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I'll keep this to the point!

Kylo is less aggressive in this story than he is in other fics, but he is super emotionally unavailable, cold, and withdrawn. Don't worry he's still toxic!

I mention a few details about the readers age as well as Kylo's. Feel free to change these details in your mind. *I'd like to clarify that the reader of this story is not being written as underage, but I do clarify her as being under 21. Everything is legal and consensual, because I would never want to romanticize something that's not. 

If you don't understand what a sugar baby is, go do a quick search! The movie The New Romantic on Netflix does a great job of portraying a realistic idea of the arrangement. Being a sugar baby is more than sex. It's a relationship that can include affection and 'dates' just like a normal relationship would. The sugar baby is playing a part in a way, so she will not rebel against her sugar daddy (even if you want her to).

 At no point in this story does the reader question the morality of being a sugar baby. She questions the relationship and her feelings, but she does not feel conflicted about the actual ethical position of the arrangement. In this house we do not judge people on the way they make their money, and we do not shame sexuality. She's getting that bread and head and leaving! If you feel icky about the morality of the story it is not for you (but I respect your feelings). 



specific warnings:

-lack of aftercare

-degrading speech





-light choking

-crying after sex (we're sensitive)

-bear with me, but homophobia (I know you're like what the actual fuck but trust me it will make sense, and obviously it is portrayed as completely wrong! this is a safe space I promise! please just trust me.)

- drug and alcohol use

-thigh riding lmao

-daddy kink (which apparently everyone suddenly hates)


If you are uncomfortable with these topics or you are very young and unsure of whether you can handle reading these things, do not read it! 

I hope you enjoy it! Please be kind, I am indeed sensitive. Message me if you want me to read your fics. I'd be happy to!

Love Delilah (or Deli), I prefer Deli, yes like lunch meat.

Cover by: asmolguavafruit on Wattpad

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