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You didn't see Kylo for several days. Apparently it was a big week at work, or at least that's what he told you when you arrived last night. He had answered the door, shirtless and in swim trunks, and gave you a bag. Inside was a purple bikini. You swam and made out and tried to get him to tell you about his week, but as always he was stubborn and only gave you bits of information. And then you went inside and he fucked you on the bathroom counter, his hair dripping onto your shoulders. And when you both finished he let you lean against his chest until your legs were no longer trembling. It was nice. But he still didn't hold you while you fell asleep. You tried to tell yourself that didn't matter.

The mattress shifted, pulling you towards the surface of reality. You rolled over, bare torso sliding against the silk sheets, and reached a hand out. To your surprise it was actually met with skin. 

"Kylo?" you slurred, eyes heavy and closed. 


You tried to pry your eyelids open but everything was foggy. "What time is it?"


"Shouldn't you be at work?" you mumbled into your pillow.

"It's Saturday."

"Oh." You propped yourself onto your elbow, and squinted into the faint light of the room. "I can go."

Kylo pulled on your arm, making you collapse back into the swarm of warm blankets. 

"Go back to bed."

You pulled the material up to your neck, and sighed. "Okay."



Bright light pushed against your eyelids. You opened them halfway, glancing around the room. The sun was peaking through the curtains, throwing slivers of golden light onto the floor. Kylo was gone, his side of the bed empty with only the ruffled sheets proving he had ever been there at all. Blinking the fog from your eyes, you pushed yourself up to sit against the headboard and reached for your phone. It was almost ten. You could barely recall your half conscious conversation with Kylo, but you remembered him saying it was eight. That meant you had been asleep for two more hours. You cursed yourself for always sleeping in. It was embarrassing. The only notification on your phone was a text from Ivy. 

V: Considering that you never came home, I'm guessing it went okay? Nothing was wrong?

You had been on edge all week. Each day that passed without a word from Kylo made you wonder if it was already over. Was crying into his chest two minutes after orgasming really the ultimate turn off you had marked it up to be? Ivy tried to keep you sane, assuring you that he would warn you if it was ending, seeing as he was your only financial support. You had to distract yourself constantly to stop thinking about it, replaying everything in your head. When he texted you to come over yesterday you almost cried out of relief. 

You typed a reply:

I was overthinking (as always) he just had a lot of work shit and now everything's fine. Last night was nice he got me a bikini. It's cute I already know you're gonna steal it.

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