Alcohol and Pools and Moonlight

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The only upside to having a humiliating and poorly-timed breakdown in front of the man you were entirely in love with, was that he felt bad enough to take you out two evenings later. The day between had been a nice cool down from your scene of sobbing and eating pizza in his arms. Ivy had looked ultimately horrified when you explained the story to her, and you felt equally horrified having to recount the events. As your best friend, she knew exactly what to do--a lazy day of takeout and movies and a little bit of crying, only a little. When you admitted to her that you loved him, she didn't really look surprised. You weren't surprised by her non-surprisal. 

Kylo seemed to feel pretty twisted up about the whole ordeal. It wasn't that you wanted him to feel bad--you certainly didn't relish in his guilt--but you had to admit it was nice to see him care so much. Though, he was worried about the wrong thing. Your breakdown had been triggered by realizations that you had been trying to avoid--you loved him and everything with him was temporary. Kylo seemed to be more focused on the fact that he had touched and kissed and been sucked by Abigail. To be fair, that had bothered you too, but you weren't angry with him for it. Just bummed. 

Kylo truly didn't have anything to feel guilty about--he hadn't done anything wrong. The only explanation you could assume for his new need to 'make it up to you' was that you had scared him. You had sobbed in his arms. You had tried to leave. He had witnessed strong emotion form you before--He had seen you angry and he had seen you happy, but you weren't sure he had ever seen you at that state of anguish. He wanted to spoil you now, because you had terrified him. He wanted to make sure you felt good again. 

The day after the failed threesome, he had called you, interrupting your moment of Dirty Dancing and a container of fried rice. 

"We can go out tomorrow," he had said when you greeted him shyly through the speaker.


"You can choose."



He pretended his sorry-I-kissed-Abigail-in-front-of-you-even-though-you-said-it-was-okay guilt was actually an urge to celebrate your book being proposed to publishers. He claimed that he had never gotten you a real congratulations gift so a night out of your choice was going to suffice. 

You chose the only place you were absolutely dying to witness him in--a nightclub. It was on the west side, farther from the coast, which made it a fifteen minute trip with Jack's efficient driving. You had been there a few times with Ivy, but it was a bit far for the subway route and the drinks were more expensive. 

Kylo looked nice in a gray suit, white undershirt slightly unbuttoned. You couldn't stop glancing at the peek of bare chest during the car ride and he seemed to notice because every once in a while he would run his thumb over the hem of your skirt. 

Your main goal for the night was to have fun. Both of you. So as soon as you crossed through the front door, you beelined to the bar, Kylo trailing behind you. You didn't bother with sipping on cocktails--you ordered two tequila shots before Kylo could even open his mouth. 

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