Perfect, Everything's Perfect

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**warning: This chapter involves drug use. The drug that is mentioned heightens peoples' senses and makes them feel/act/think in ways they would not normally. Of course I have no intention to encourage anyone to partake in drug use, and I am not trying to be insensitive to the struggle of addiction. This is a safe space. All love.



You looked really fucking hot. 

At least, that's what you told yourself for the entire two hours that it took you to get ready. Ivy helped too, constantly hyping you up every time you finished a step in the process. The last time you had gotten this dressed up was for Kylo but this time it was just for you. You curled your hair and shook it out extra well, and for eyeshadow, you went darker than normal, hoping to feel like a newer, braver version of yourself. As for your outfit, Ivy lended you a forest green two piece-- a tight mini skirt and tank top that sloped downwards to tie in the middle, really more of a bra than a shirt. But that's exactly the sort of outfit you wanted to wear to a club when you were trying to mend a broken heart. 

"Are they almost here?" you asked, glancing at Ivy settled in front of the bathroom mirror. 

She peeked at her phone with a tube of lipstick tucked between her fingers. "Any minute."

Rey and Sophie had politely declined your invitation to dance and drink, which was never surprising. Just not their scene. Instead, you asked your favorite fellow ex-waitresses from Cloud Nine. You always considered them Ivy's friends more than yours, but they knew how to party and that's all you really wanted. 

"I can't socialize while sober right now," you announced, leaving the bathroom and walking through the hall to the kitchen. You pulled a bottle of vodka from the cabinet and downed a shot straight from the glass mouth. The only plan you had for the night was to get as drunk as possible, so that you could forget about Kylo. If you were lucky you would wake up with no memory of him at all. You downed another gulp. 

A knock on the door made you replace the lid and stash the bottle back in the cupboard, before pulling the handle. Kat and Laney were equally as dressed up with skimpy outfits and ridiculously high heels. They both squealed a greeting and you returned their bright smiles, stepping aside to let them in. 

"Ivy said you got your heart broken or something?" Kat said, pulling you in for a tight hug. 

Your smile faded for a moment but you replaced it quickly when she pulled away. "Kind of. He was an asshole. It's stupid. I just want to have a good night." 

"I think we can manage that," Laney said, glancing at Kat with a smirk. 

You hoped that meant they were going to order you a million shots in a row. 

"Ivy!" you yelled. "The Uber is literally waiting on us right now!"

You could hear her bustling around, scrambling to fix whatever last finishing touches she needed. She stumbled out of the hallway, hopping on one foot in an attempt to put on her other heel. 

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