This Game We're Playing

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You had a week with Kylo before you saw her. It was a normal week for the most part. Every other evening filled with sex and casual conversation. Kylo seemed okay, but he wavered with his affection. Some days he kissed you for no reason, and some nights he turned away from you when he slept. You couldn't be angry with him. You felt the same way. You wanted to pull away to avoid the heartache, but it was so easy and intoxicating to lean into the comfort of him. 

The most exciting thing to occur was an email from a literary agent. They were interested. They liked your proposal. You were meant to meet with Pryde's wife, a personal favor from Kylo, but as soon as you received the proposal, you canceled. This new offer was a more expensive agent, one of the two that you didn't hear back from for a while, but you still had a portion of your Christmas bonus saved up. Besides, you wanted to know that you earned it yourself. It wasn't a favor. Someone really wanted to help you publish your book.

You saw her the Tuesday after New York. She was in the grocery store, looking at the bagged salads. You noticed her while you were searching for a ripe avocado. Her hair was dark and long, brushing past her cleavage. You almost didn't recognize her in yoga pants and a sweatshirt, but she still wore the same layer of perfect makeup. 

You stared in shock for a moment. You shouldn't approach her. No, you shouldn't. But you wanted to. You had so many things you wanted to ask her. You swallowed your pride, and the faint buzz of jealously poking your throat, and crossed the produce section to stand next to her. 

"Hey, um, Abigail, right?" you said shyly, offering her a small smile.

She whipped her head to the side to look at you with furrowed brows. With a few blinks, she returned a puzzled smile and spoke slowly.

"Oh, hi. I...I'm sorry, I feel like I recognize you, I just don't know where," she said it gently, like she was genuinely scared of offending you.

"Right! Sorry," you said, pressing your hand to your chest. "I met you at a restaurant a couple months ago. Um, we both know...Well, we both know Kylo Ren." It came out as more of a question than a statement. 

"Oh!" A look of familiarity crossed over her features and she nodded with a tiny laugh. "That's right! Good to see you again."

"You too." You smiled awkwardly and glanced at the salad in her hand, wondering how to phrase all the things your mind was begging to ask. "Could...I don't want to interrupt your shopping, but would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

Her expression faltered to confusion but she quickly returned it to friendliness. "About what?"

"Um, Kylo."

There was a pause and then she giggled and nodded enthusiastically, hair bobbing around her sharply carved jawline. 

"Sure" she agreed. "I've always kind of wanted to talk to someone about him. Why don't you meet me at the coffee place on the corner when you're finished with your shopping?"

You released a breath of relief and let out a small chuckle. "Great."

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