May I Cut in?

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The bar was quieter than you expected. 

Usually on a Saturday night you found yourself at clubs with blaring music and young, sweaty bodies pressed against each other. Ivy would be by your side, both of you buzzed and searching for decent looking guys to spend the night with. 

So walking into a classy bar filled with people twice your age, all in business attire, was a stark contrast to your regular routine. The only thing that remained the same was Ivy's presence next to you. The middle aged man hooked around her arm, however, was a unfamiliar addition. 

Ivy slipped her fingers through yours, dragging you along as the man led you to a booth on the side of the room. 

The bar itself was a satisfying mix of modern and rustic, with black furniture and brick walls. The lighting was dim and it didn't reek of sweat like your normal spots did. 

You slid into the booth watching as Ivy sat closely to Poe, her shoulder leaning against his. 

Poe seemed nice enough. He was hot, you couldn't deny, with his salt and pepper hair and four o'clock shadow. Not to mention, the navy suit that hugged his figure and screamed wealth. Besides, he was generous enough to invite you, nonetheless help you make an arrangement. 

"I feel overdressed," you mumbled to no one in particular. 

Your eyes scanned the room, finding that most of the women were wearing pencil skirts or blazers.

Poe raked his eyes over the silk, cream colored dress that hugged your skin. 

"It's a fundraiser. Everyone else is here for business," he said. 

"So am I."

Poe licked his lips and glanced down at Ivy. 

"Your kind of business requires a different dress code."

He wasn't necessarily wrong. Searching for a sugar daddy called for something more enticing than a pantsuit. 

"Do I just sit here?" You tapped your fingers against the table, the swarm of butterflies in your stomach multiplying. 

Poe chuckled. "No, I told them they would find you at the bar."

"How many are there exactly?"

He dragged his fingers up Ivy's arm and you watched as she shivered under his touch. Jesus. Couldn't they spare the public displays for just a minute, especially when you already felt like puking. 

"Only a few. All you have to do is meet them. You can commit to as many or as few as you wish."

Ivy placed her hand on your thigh and gave you a warm smile. "You look so nervous. Remember this whole thing is in your control. You're the one offering them a service."

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