Too Many Truths

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**warning: drug use. I feel like a bad influence. I am not here to glorify drugs. Also, I'm aware that for anyone who doesn't have much experience with this stuff, or maybe people who aren't familiar with the American slang (idk if it's different in other languages/cultures!) this could get confusing. You can look for my comment explaining things--I'll put it in the paragraph where the drug is first mentioned.



Monday arrived faster than expected. Before you knew it, you were scrambling through your room, stuffing extra items into your suitcase and double checking that you remembered your toothbrush. 

The drive to New York was quiet. Kylo was silent, though you sensed it was purely from exhaustion. He looked as he had two days ago, heavy eyelids and pouty lips. At first, you stayed in your seat, staring out the window, but as time passed, you gravitated towards him until your side was nuzzled into his and you could smell his shampoo. You sat in comfortable silence, though you could sense that his mind was turning. He had mentioned something about a presentation he couldn't be late for, and every minute or so his fingers would flinch. You imagined that he was reviewing his planned words in his head.

You parted with him at the hotel, after you had both carried your luggage up the elevator and into the same room you had stayed in one month ago.

"Good luck with you presentation," you said after you lifted on your toes to press a short kiss on his lips. "Are you nervous?"

He shook his head. "Of course not."

He gave you his credit card before he left, which once again made your gut knot. You had already spent his money recently, so you held back this time, only buying a few luxury items. Most of your day was spent shopping, or pretending to shop, broken up by shamelessly sight seeing in the most typical spots. 

Your day to yourself was not spent without purpose, however. You had a plan. First, you visited a bakery and then a cheesy souvenir store, both of which you utilized your own credit card for. The corner Walgreens was next where you picked up some last details. By 5:00 you were in the room setting up, anxious for his arrival. You paced along the edge of the bed, smoothing your damp palms over your mini skirt. Beneath your layers, a new red lingerie set hugged your skin. Considering your other surprises, you weren't even sure it would end up being admired. 

Kylo walked through the door at 6 p.m. looking tired and tense. You stood in front of the marble table, and greeted him with a wide smile and a small, "Hi."

"Hi." He moved to stand in front of you and you let him peck your lips before you stepped aside, baring the table to his vision. 

On one of the borrowed hotel plates, was a simple cupcake decorated with two plastic numbers, 32, and a single red candle. Next to that was a black box, and a small gift bag. Kylo blinked at the display as you shifted nervously between your feet.

"I missed your birthday," you explained while you reached out, a lighter gripped in your fingers, and ran the flickering flame over the tip of the candle. 

Kylo's expression was somewhere between surprise and discomfort. His brow was slightly furrowed and his eyes held a glaring bewilderment. 

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