The Stranger in New York

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At 8 a.m Monday morning a town car picked you up. Apparently, Kylo had left hours ago for early meetings and had decided to spare you from waking up at 4 a.m. Even so, you wouldn't have minded going with him. Seeing a grumpy, bed-head ridden Kylo would have a been a nice start to the day. 

It took about four hours to get there with traffic, and you lulled in an out of sleep, time whirling by without much effort. As you drove into the city, your gut stirred with anticipation, and you watched the rows of skyscrapers come closer and closer, the morning light glimmering against  their surfaces. 

"Do you like working for Kylo?" you asked the driver, who had been mostly silent during the trip. He glanced in the rearview mirror suddenly, as if he had forgotten you were there. 

"Mr. Ren is a fine employer."

You nodded. Yeah, not bad. 

"Does he speak to you very much?" you continued. 

The driver rubbed his hand against his chin, eyes focused on the road.

"Not much, Miss."

"Yeah," you sighed, "he doesn't say much to me either. And please, you don't need to call me Miss." 

You gave him your name and he gave you his. Jack. 

You were in the midst of the buildings now, watching the steady stream of people scurrying through the sidewalks. The car pulled to the side, under a giant red awning, and you pushed your door open before the driver could beat you to it. The air smelled like smoke and winter, filled with the rumblings of traffic, and you breathed it in, happy to be somewhere new. The driver insisted on taking your bags up to the room for you, but you assured him you would prefer to take them yourself. He finally agreed, saying he'd be on call for you if you decided to explore the city, and gave you his card, which you thanked him for. 

You rolled your suitcase through the wide glass doors, with a nervous glance back at the retreating town car. As soon as you saw the lobby, you forgot about being left alone. Beige marble columns held up the high ceilings.  A chandelier made of glass leaves threw a warm glow across the room. There were two koi ponds in the middle, lined by lanterns imbedded in the tile. An assortment of couches sat at the end of the room between the front desk and a low lit bar. 

You gave the woman at the front desk Kylo's name and she nodded at the computer screen. 

"Yes, I spoke with him earlier, he told me you'd be here." 

She handed you a card and pointed to the elevator. 

"You're on the top floor. Enjoy your stay Ms. Ren."

"Oh, uh, thanks," you blushed and turned quickly, the title Ms. Ren  flashing in your mind like a broken store sign. 

According to the buttons in the elevator, floor 60 was the highest. You chewed on your nails, anxious to drop your bag off and go exploring. There was a ding and the doors opened. You dragged your suitcase through the hallways. The spacing of the doors seemed odd. They were much farther from each other than normal. Finally you found it. 604. 

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