A Snowy Day and His Freezing Hands

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"You look like absolute shit."

You groaned under your pile of blankets and squinted at Ivy's figure in the doorframe. She had her hands on her hips, her head cocked to the side. 

"That's fucking rude," you grumbled. 

"What is all this stuff on the floor?" She stepped into the room and pulled your curtains back, filling the space with piercing morning light. 

"Hey!" You griped and shielded your eyes. "Fuck, that's bright."

"Yeah, it's snowing. You would know that if you decided to get out of bed and stop sulking." She picked up your new velvet booties from their spot on the floor. "Did he get you these?" You nodded. "What's all this other- Oh for fucks sake, is this all the stuff he's gotten you?"

You nodded and stared at the neatly assorted rows of items you had made on the floor. 

"I don't get this, I really don't. You guys didn't get in a fight?" You shook your head. "You have no reason to think it's over?" Another head shake. "Okay, but you're still sad enough to sit in your room for two days?"

"I'm not sad."

"What do you call it?"

You sighed and forced yourself to sit against the headboard. The bruises on your back cringed at the pressure. 

"New York was overwhelming and this is how I'm recovering." 

Coming back from New York was like coming home after a drama-filled sleepover. Everything seemed lame in comparison and you couldn't remember how you normally spent your days. It didn't help that your body was sore and stiff. You spent the last 48 hours curled up on your mattress, thinking and sleeping, with a few sessions of crying for no reason. 

"Well I think you should recover with a shower."

You rolled your eyes. "Fine."

"And put this stuff away." Ivy motioned towards the arrangement on the ground and started for the door. "It's weird."

"Do you think it's strange he hasn't texted me yet?"

She rubbed her fingers over her lips and shrugged. "Two days isn't that long, and he's a busy guy. I wouldn't sweat it. This is normal for him, yeah?"

You gave her a small smile. You needed to hear that. "Yeah."

"You just get paranoid about things." She paused and sighed. "If you get up, I'll help you apply for jobs."

"Really?" You swung your legs off the bed and pushed yourself to stand on stiff legs.

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