Not This Time

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After Kylo's inappropriate announcement, what happened next was purely immature. 

You stood from the seat quickly and scurried away, taking long strides in your heels, trying to walk as quickly as you could without drawing attention. Kylo followed closely behind you, crossing the center of the room until you were through the double doors. The hallway was empty and you quickened your pace, practically jogging, heels clicking loudly against the tiles. Kylo was faster than you. He reached the elevator first and punched the button. You giggled and panted as you waited for it's arrival. Kylo was breathing with parted lips too, the corners of his mouth pulled upward with the threat of a grin. As soon as the doors opened you were through them, and Kylo pressed another button. The metal slabs closed slowly, agonizingly slowly, and as soon as they were pressed together, so were you and him. 

His hands were gripping your waist, pushing you against him, and his lips were desperate, moving in needy harmony with your own. The taste of whiskey on his tongue and the feeling of his fingers digging into your skin was enough to propel the warmth in your core. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, and you moaned into his lips, satisfied from the friction of his body. 

The elevator dinged and Kylo broke away as the doors opened. He stepped out and you followed him through a gray carpeted lobby, into a long room of fancy cubicles. He was walking so fast, you were falling behind in your heels, but he noticed your struggle and grabbed your hand, dragging you behind him past the rows of desks. He stopped abruptly and you rammed into his back, grabbing his arm to steady yourself. 

"Fuck, sorry," you mumbled. 

He pushed open a door and yanked you through. His office was impressive, a large window behind a huge oak desk accompanied with a high back chair. There was a sofa in the corner, two white chairs positioned on the other side of the desk. There were shelves with impersonal knick knacks-- plants and paperweights and such. No photo frames or cheesy mugs. 

"You have a nice office," you said, following him to the desk, anticipation growing in your gut from his earlier promise. 

You expected him to throw you onto the oak surface and rip off your thong immediately, but instead he took a seat in his black desk chair, smugly leaning his head against the back. You cocked your head at him, deciphering his intention. 

"Come here."

You obeyed and stepped forward until your legs were standing between his knees. 

"Hike up that pretty dress."

You gathered the fabric between your fingers, ruffling it until the ends were in your grasp and the skirt was around your waist. The cool air raised goosebumps across your bare legs and you felt overly aware that your cunt was visible through the lace of your underwear. Kylo grazed his stare over your newly exposed skin, lust visible in his pupils. 

"Sit down."

It took you a moment to understand, but once it clicked and you realized what he wanted, your heart thumped inside your chest, anxious for his offer. You settled yourself on his thigh, cunt already throbbing, and leaned forward to meet his lips. The frantic desperation from earlier had turned into controlled passion, slow but deep movements of your mouths. He gripped your hips harshly under his fingers, and pulled you forward slightly before pushing you backward, rolling your core against his thigh. Your clit burned with the friction from the firm muscle of his leg, and you whimpered against his lips. 

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