A/N: thank you

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this will be a bit long and sappy, cause that's just how I am. 

I just want to say I am so, so grateful for how much support and kindness I received in this process. I had no idea that I could write something this long, and I seriously loved it. I didn't even know I liked writing until I wrote this. I will forever be grateful that this showed me a new passion. 

I never expected people to actually read this. When I first started I remember wondering if anyone would be able to tolerate my writing. Now, I have received so many kind comments about it and I have appreciated them so much. My love for you is insane. 

I wanna thank the ADLW groupchat for being so supportive and also just the kindest, funniest people ever. I have met so many amazing people through this whole thing. Other than the writing, the people has been my favorite part.

If you have any questions about the book just let me know. If there were aspects of the ending you didn't quite like, I'd be happy to explain my thought process!

As for what comes next, I have to admit that I'm not quite sure. I have loved writing Kylo, and would love to do it again. For now, I need a bit of a break to brainstorm and get inspired. I have basically been writing nonstop since July, and I want to avoid burnout. If you have an idea of what kind of story you'd want to see from me next, please let me know. I care very much about what you guys would want. My socials are in my bio if you want to keep up with me, and I would recommend following my Wattpad if you want! (I'm sure I'll be posting some one shots and minifics during my 'break') 

Okay. One last huge thank you to you, the reader, for trusting me with your time and emotions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 


p.s. If you're reading this on the same night I posted it, then I'm probably crying somewhere lmao. My heart and soul were invested in this story and I'm sad to see it go. I wish I could express how truly grateful I am. I love you. 

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