Look at Me

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Kylo's bathroom was undeniably impressive. Covered in black tiles, it matched the dark and moody nature of his bedroom. The oversized glass shower and black oval tub that greeted you made your jaw drop with envy. This didn't even feel like a bathroom, no, it seemed like it was just made to have sex in. Who buys a black tub for cleaning purposes? It was a sex tub for sure. 

You set your bag on the counter and pulled out the stringy black bathing suit. Just like last night, you were forced to borrow Ivy's clothes again. Waking up to a text from Kylo this morning had made your heart swell more than it should have. 

9 o'clock. Bring a bathing suit. A car will pick you up. 

You had insisted that you didn't mind taking the subway, but nonetheless fifteen minutes ago a black town car had been parked in front of your apartment. You had showed up to Kylo's apartment in black jeans and a green cardigan with your bikini tucked away in your bag. Ivy had told you to show up wearing it, but you kept imagining him opening the door in a suit, looking handsomely professional, to see you in a white coverup that made it look like you were at the beach with a frat house. In the end he proved you right and you were thankful you had listened to your own devices. 

You shed your jeans and sweater and slipped on the black bathing suit. It was certainly Ivy's style, a little high waisted and the top tied together in the middle, leaving your cleavage elegantly visible. You took your time knowing that Kylo was changing on the other side of the door. Your curiosity pulled at you and you gave in, snooping through his cabinets. It was all normal stuff, deodorant and toothpaste etc. A pink bag caught your eye at the front of a drawer and though you knew you shouldn't, you looked. There was a toothbrush and toothpaste, a light green razor, and a few hair ties. Oh. Was this for you? Or maybe just any girl that found themselves in Kylo's apartment? You zipped the bag quickly and shook your hands as if you could rid them from the invasion of privacy they had just committed. You folded your clothes into your bag, which you decided to leave on the counter, and knocked on the bathroom door. If Kylo was still dressing, or even there at all, there was no noise to reveal it. You cracked open the door and knocked again as you slowly swung it open. The room was empty. Leaving the eerily dim bedroom, you found the living room to be empty as well. You could feel the cool air washing in from the open balcony door, and you followed it. 

Kylo was already in the water, facing away from you, his hair soaked. Though you couldn't see his body fully, you caught a glimpse of the curves of muscle on his shoulder and the delicate slope of his shoulder blades. You wrapped your arms around yourself, shielding your torso from the cool wind, and padded across the slick tiles to the edge of the pool. Stepping onto the top stair, you were pleasantly surprised when your ankles were met with warm water, instead of the icy condition you'd been expecting. Kylo turned around as if he had sensed your presence. 

"Hi," you said softly, feeling shy at the amount of skin exposed. It wasn't so much that you minded showing off your body, as much as you felt nervous at who was seeing it now. 

Kylo returned your greeting by dragging his eyes across your body, those hazel irises soaking in every inch of your uncovered skin. You pushed your arms to your sides, giving him a view of your chest, and descended the stairs until the water rose to your neck. The embrace of the heated liquid soothed your muscles and stroked your skin with calming pressure. You dipped your head under the surface, letting yourself be surrounded by tranquil silence for a moment, before rising up and smoothing your hair back. Kylo was still watching you with desirous interest. 

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