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When you woke up, you were no longer pressed against him. He must have left. Through the fog of your sleep, disappointment pierced your gut and you opened your eyes.

But he was there. Inches away from you, his parted lips taking slow, gentle breaths, his face relaxed, closed eyes barely fluttering in his sleep. He looked perfectly peaceful, and you paused, breath caught in your lungs, staring at the snoozing boy in front of you. 

You creeped out of bed as slowly as possible and tiptoed into the bathroom. You brushed your teeth quickly and silently, glancing back occasionally to assure yourself he hadn't woken. When you were sure your breath was minty, you climbed back into bed and propped yourself on your elbow to lean over him. First, you placed a kiss on his jawline and watched his eyelids flinch slightly from the touch. You moved to his neck, pressing your lips over his steady pulse, sucking softly, not enough to leave a mark. Kylo groaned and shifted beneath you, and you continued your soft attack on his neck. 


His voice was slurred, deep and hoarse from his slumber. 

"It's Christmas," you mumbled cheerily against his skin. 


His fingers gripped your jaw and he tugged your face away from his throat. His lips met yours and you smiled into the lazy kiss. 

"Breakfast!" Sophie's voice accompanied by a cheerful bang on the door made you flinch and groan. "It's already eleven!"

"Fuck's sake," you mumbled before shouting. "Out in a minute!"  

Kylo was staring at you with sleepy eyes and messy hair. There was a line across his cheek from where his pillowcase must have been creased beneath him all night. 

"What?" you asked, cocking your head when his gaze didn't cease. 


"Okay, well," you mumbled, pulling your shirt from the floor and yanking it over your head. You perched on the edge of the mattress, feet planted on the carpet, and paused to look back at him.  "What do you want to do today?"

He frowned at your question and studied your face as if he were looking for a hint of humor. 

"I was just going to go home," he said slowly. 

You didn't feel the need to cower under his stare as you usually did. His eyes were soft and curious. 

"Alone?" you asked, face screwed in equal confusion.

"I just assumed..." He trailed off, and your face softened. 

He had assumed you would spend the day with your sister. He had assumed you would let him go home and be alone in his dim apartment. You shook your head gently, and crawled across the mattress, clambering over his legs and settling yourself to straddle his hips. 

LUCKY |Modern Sugar Daddy AU|Where stories live. Discover now