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"Can you not chew so loudly?"

Ivy rolled her eyes and leaned against your headboard, a bag of Cheetos in her lap. 

"You're so fucking grumpy today." 

You stood in front of your closet, ruffling through the hangers and the loose clothes piled on the floor. 

"Well I'm nervous and you're supposed to be helping me."

The morning after the fundraiser you had been fully prepared to call Kylo first thing, but Ivy had convinced you to wait a couple of days so that he would think he had competition. You didn't see how that would do you any good, considering he already knew it was your first time, but you followed her suggestion anyway and waited two days. This morning you rung him, pacing around the apartment like a mad man, and to both your relief and annoyance, you were met with the voice of his assistant, apparently named Katrina. She assured you that she would let "Mr. Ren" know you called and you could expect a text from him soon. A couple of hours ago, you learned that Kylo Ren was indeed a man of his word. 

His text read:

Come over at 8. 

And a second text contained his address. 

Not exactly a romantic, but typing his address into google made you forgot about his bluntness. He really was fucking rich.

Ivy slid out of your bed and stood next to you, staring at your options. 

"You need new clothes."

"No shit," you sighed. 

"I'm sure Kylo will take care of that soon. You can borrow something from me tonight." 

"More like something from Poe."

She beamed. "Exactly."

An hour later, thanks to Ivy, you were ready. You stood in front of her full length mirror, twisting your hips to glance at your butt. 

"Are you sure I shouldn't be wearing something nicer."

Your smoothed your hands over the black mini skirt resting against your hips. 

"I'm sure. You're just going to his place." You glanced at her in the reflection. "You look hot."

Honestly, you had to agree with her. You did look hot. You had a salmon lacy camisole tucked into the skirt and black heeled booties on your feet. Ivy had even helped you make loose curls in your hair. 

"What's gonna happen tonight?"

Ivy shrugged. "He'll tell you what he expects from you and what you can expect from him. He might want to have sex, but I don't know. Just depends." 

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