The Valley Where I Told You

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sorry for the wait, I'm in school so things are busy! missed you guys--deli


For the rest of the week in London, you held a silent, unspoken agreement with Kylo to forget that bad day. There was no point in dwelling on it anyway. You just wanted to enjoy being in a new city.

You only spent your time in London two ways: eating in fancy restaurants and having constant sex.

There was rarely a time where your hands weren't on each other or your mouths were apart. You woke up early just to let him fuck you in the shower, and as soon as he arrived home, clothes were torn off and every corner of the hotel room was christened by your wild antics. Anyone else looking in on the situation would have guessed that you were newly weds, the way you were all over each other, making suggestive eyes across white-clothed tables. You felt bad for your new temporary driver. Kylo couldn't seem to wait very long after dinners to slip his hands up your dress and connect his lips to your throat. Thank god the town car had a controllable partition that blocked the poor man's view from Kylo's neediness.

Frankly, you were impressed by his stamina. He'd come back to the hotel and fuck you on the couch, only to do it again thirty minutes later on the balcony, and yet again before bed. In all honesty, you were sore—the muscles in your legs winced when you walked, and your cervix certainly groaned at you each time your panties disappeared.

Though it was a bit exhausting, you never got bored of it. A switch had flipped inside of you, and every time you saw his broad shoulders and smug grin, all you could think of was dragging him to the closest surface and feeling him inside of you.

You awoke on Saturday morning with stiff, well-rested limbs. The light was peeking harshly through the thin curtains and you pried your eyelids apart to search for him. To your surprise, he was already awake and standing on the opposite side of the room, hands holding a stack of his own folded clothes. You watched with scrunched brows as he tucked them into the open suitcase at his feet.

"Are you leaving?" you asked quietly, terror rushing into your chest. 

Kylo glanced up quickly, startled by your voice, but his face was soft and unthreatening. 

"We are," he said. 

You pushed yourself to sit up, back resting against the headboard. "Don't you have to work?" you asked slowly. 

"We'll come back Sunday night," he explained, shoving the last of his folded clothes into the suitcase and zipping it. "I was just about to wake you. We have to leave in an hour."

"Well shit," you mumbled, scooting out from under the covers to stand. He moved out of your way as you rushed to open the drawer below his now empty one. You gathered your clothes into your arms and plopped them onto the bed, pulling your suitcase from the closet and filling it. Kylo moved past you to gather his suits that hung from the closet railing. "Wait," you announced, making him pause to look at you. "Where are we going?"

"I thought Scotland would be nice."

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