Anything You Want

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"I think they forgot my soy milk." Ivy popped the lid of her iced coffee and lifted the cup to her nose. "It smells like real milk." 

She handed you the plastic cup and you rolled your eyes, bringing it to your face and sniffing. 

"It smells like coffee," you said. 

Ivy huffed and took a sip anyways. Outskirt Cafe was your favorite hidden treasure of this city. With brown leather couches and random knick knacks strewn across the walls, it served as a perfectly cozy place to spend a foggy afternoon. Most of all, it was your sister's favorite place, which meant every couple weeks you came here to purge all your problems and thoughts as she nodded and laughed. On cue, Rey walked through the squeaky front door, bringing a breeze of frigid air with her. She looked good-- healthy-- in loose jeans and a thick knit sweater the color of sand. Her face lit up with a warm smile at the sight of you and you stood, beaming back at her, arms outstretched. Her delicate frame fell into your arms and you squeezed her. She smelled like shampoo. 

"Hey bubs," she mumbled into your shoulder. 

"Hi bubs," you mimicked her. You released her from your grip and she moved on to Ivy, embracing her in a short but sincere hug. 

As Rey sat down, you pushed a poorly crafted mug across the table, a splash of the tan liquid spilling out the side in the process. 

"How's Sophie?" you asked. 

She smiled at the mention of her name and you smiled too. That's all you ever wanted, to see your sister smile, to know she was okay. 

"She's sorry she couldn't come, but she's good. She started her new job at the salon last week and now she's trying to convince me that we should get a dog."

"I agree with her. Get a dog," Ivy chimed in. 

Rey frowned into her latte. "I'm not really a dog person." 

Ivy rolled her eyes and you chuckled. "That's just because mom's old dog bit you and now you think all dogs are mean."

Rey shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not getting a dog." 

You relaxed into your chair and took a bite of the half-finished croissant in front of you. Being with Rey always made things feel better. You didn't have to worry about the fact that Kylo had yet to mention any sort of payment. You didn't have to worry about dinner or rent or reminding Ivy to take her birth control. Because no matter what Rey would be there, taking care of you-- the only home you could go back to. 

Rey asked Ivy about her life and Ivy rambled through details while Rey laughed and nodded. You played with the rings on your fingers and watched them, enjoying the ease at which they interacted. Ivy mentioned something about Poe-- a new handbag, or maybe it was sunglasses-- and Rey leaned forward, a mysterious smile pulling at her lips. 

"Speaking of Poe," she leaned her temple against her hand, gaze hovering over you, "tell me about this guy." 

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