My Favorite

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You awoke to a tingling in your core and lips against your throat. 

"Hi," you mumbled with heavy eyelids. 

Kylo hummed against your throat and you mixed your fingers into his hair, allowing yourself to relax and enjoy the warmth of his lips on your skin. 

"What time is it?" you whispered.


"Did you sleep?"


You squirmed under him and reassessed your current condition. It was hard to ignore the sensation of his mouth, but you tried to focus on the status of your stomach. There was no lingering nausea or sickness, mostly like a product of your six hour nap, and you smiled to yourself. Finally. 

You wrapped both hands around his jaw and tugged gently until his eyes were level with yours. He looked freshly rested with pouty lips and a chaotic halo of hair framing his face. You combed your fingers through it to smooth down the rebellious pieces. 

"I don't feel sick anymore," you announced. 

He blinked at you.

"Not even a little," you added, waiting for him to make a move. 

His mouth met yours instantly and you smirked against him, pleased to see that his eagerness matched yours. You opened your legs as he shifted himself to rest between them, letting his pelvis rest against your core. You bucked into him, desperate for friction and he groaned praise into your mouth, slowly rocking against you. A week and a half of built up tension was trapped inside you both, and you knew it wasn't going to take much for you to come undone. His hands traveled under your shirt, brushing up your waist, and you raised your arms, allowing him to slip it off and toss it to the side. 

His mouth instantly went to your chest, scattering wet kisses down your sternum and the skin of your tits. You threaded your fingers through his hair and tugged lightly, encouraging him along. He wrapped his lips around your nipple and ran his tongue over it, sucking lightly. With a shudder, you arched into him, tugging harder on his silky strands. 

"Can't believe you made me go a whole week without this," you mumbled. 

He let go of your nipple with a quiet popping sound and glared at you as he took it between his teeth and tugged gently. Still watching you, he repeated his actions on the other side, this time running his tongue over the hardened nub and enclosing it in his mouth. Your chest was falling deeply, your breaths growing quicker from his taunting eye contact. 

"You're blaming me then?" he whispered against your skin.

You nodded and gulped. His teeth sunk harshly around your nipple and you whimpered, squirming beneath him. 

LUCKY |Modern Sugar Daddy AU|Where stories live. Discover now