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**Important warning! This chapter deals with the difficult topic of someone being rejected by family because of their sexuality. This could definitely be triggering to anyone who's experienced it, so let me give you a lil kiss and say please be cautious while reading this! Everyone deserves to love, like, and fuck whoever they want, I fully believe that. Also I'd like to say that this is not something I'm casually throwing into this story 'just to make it more interesting'. I've seen this happen to friends. It's heartbreaking. It's not a 'good side plot', it's a very real thing that causes so much pain, and in this book it has affected the characters deeply and it will continue to be discussed through the story, as it might in real life. 



Thanksgiving went like this:

You packed Rey's car and drove for eleven hours to Virginia, where your parents lived. The whole way there you kept thinking about Kylo. All alone in his apartment with no family and no celebration. No turkey. No hugs. Just him and his dim living room, eating alone on the couch, and falling asleep in an empty bed. It made you feel guilty that you hadn't stayed back. Rey kept chewing on her nails and briefing you on how she wanted the dinner to go. You tried to assure her you would help her make the conversation light and positive. Even when you checked into your hotel, she was still obsessing about it. You weren't sure how to tell her it probably wouldn't turn out the way she wanted. 

You got at the house around 4. Your mom answered the door, an apron with sunflowers on it hanging around her neck. Her smile was strained. She hugged you tightly. She hugged Rey a little less tightly. It made your throat taste bitter. Dad was watching football. He hugged you. He shook Rey's hand. You thought you might throw up. You did. You and Rey set the table, putting mom's fancy china out, and helped her with the few last steps for the meal. Rey made excellent small talk and mom answered, surprisingly politely. That turned out to be the only good part of the evening. 

You all sat down around the table. Rey was smiling so largely, her voice soft and kind, as she asked dad about work. You could barely even eat, your stomach was churning so much. 

"Have you met a nice boy yet?" Mom said, staring right at you. 

"Oh," you gulped down some iced tea. Kylo flashed through your mind. "No, I haven't actually had any serious relationships yet. Just not looking for one, I guess." You tried to smile but it felt crooked and the tendons in your neck were sore. 

Rey shifted in her seat. You knew what was going to happen next, and you knew you couldn't stop it. 

"Sophie just started a new job," her voice was clear. She was trying to sound casual. You wanted to squeeze her hand but you couldn't reach it. 

The silence in the air was thick. Mom was staring at her plate. 

"At the salon, right?" you tried to offer a response. 

"Yeah," Rey answered, so quietly you almost didn't hear it. 

"It's a pet salon," you said, voice bright. No answer. "Isn't that so cute? A salon for pets? They do their hair, and their nails and stuff. I've seen the Instagram page, it's adorable."

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