What Now?

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a/n: this is not the last chapter. I will explicitly tell you when it's the end. ily <3



You hit a bit of a slump after seeing him again. Days started to feel a little longer--sleep was becoming a battle. It was obvious to everyone around you. At some point of the next weekend, when you were tipsy and tired, Ivy let you lay your head in her lap as she played with your hair. She must have thought you were asleep, because she started to speak. It took you a few moments to realize she was on the phone. 

"I don't know, she just...she seems down again," Ivy said. Her fingers continued to scratch through your hair, and you kept your eyes closed just in case she could see your face. "I think the Maine trip will be good for her...I don't know, she said she didn't talk to him...What if we left for the trip a couple days early? I know a week is plenty, but I just feel like maybe a couple extra days would help...Yeah...I think maybe we could surprise her by leaving early...Yeah, to celebrate the publishing...Perfect...I'll call tomorrow and we can sort it out...Okay...Great...Bye, Rey."

A part of you was a little bummed at having the surprise spoiled for yourself, but mostly you were just pleased at how thoughtful your little family was. When they bombarded your bedroom at nine a.m. the following Tuesday with giant smiles and an overpriced acai bowl, you weren't actually surprised, but you were completely giddy and warm. 

"We're leaving early for Maine to celebrate your book!" Sophie shouted and peppered your cheek with kisses. You did your best to act clueless, but you had 'coincidentally' packed early. 

The nine days in Maine were exactly how they should have been. There were plenty of days spent on the beach with your backs planted on oversized towels, slight chilly breezes occasionally making you complain. The water was too cold to truly enjoy, but you still spent minutes at a time wading up to your calves and enjoying the noise of the waves. Most meals were made at the AirBnb in order to preserve spendings, but a few dinners were splurged on at nice restaurants. At the end of every day, your limbs felt stiff, your skin salty and dry. Some nights were filled with scary movies, some with smores. It was perfect. 

There was one day that seemed more perfect than the rest. It was the day that Rey proposed. Sophie was surprised, but you and Ivy were in on the secret, taking photos from afar. You had all shed some happy tears, and drank way too much champagne in the name of celebration. Rey looked so happy. She kept staring at Sophie with glossy eyes. 

It made some invisible weight lift off your shoulders. Maybe you had been holding your breath all this time, all these years, watching Rey heal from her past. You had watched helplessly as she fought against her own identity. Now, she finally had what you had worried her childhood would scare her away from. She was okay. She was happy. And the burden of guilt that had weighed in your gut since that terrible time, felt a little less heavy. 

Driving back was disappointing. You had forgotten you could have that much fun, and leaving felt like a threat to the peace you had begun to live in. You couldn't stop thinking about returning to your routine of distraction and misery. You had barely even thought of Kylo during the trip. You had been so content with just your little family. 

Rey kept yawning in the driver's seat, as you finally made it into Boston and approached your brick apartment. Ivy had her head leaned against the window, her eyes barely open after napping during the travel. She sat up as soon as your building was in sight. She glanced at you with wide eyes which you returned with a scrunched brow. 

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