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**Important chapter warning! Things are going to get super physically rough. Both characters are feeling a lot of emotional pain as this occurs. The line between kink and reality seems a little blurry in this chapter (even though it's really not). It gets pretty intense. If you do not have a pain kink, you are going to be like 'what the fuck'. If that is you, let me just say that this chapter still contributes to the story line, so you may want to skim to the important parts. Do whatever you're comfortable with. My dms are always open if you need to have a 'wtf just happened' moment.



"All the songs are stuck in my head," you sighed as Kylo closed the hotel door behind you. 

A few hours ago, Jack had dropped you off at Gershwin Theatre. Kylo handed you a ticket, explaining that he figured you'd want to see the most popular broadway show. Wicked. You had kissed him then, mind buzzing with excitement, and assured him it was a wonderful surprise. And it was. Your seats were fantastic, most likely very expensive, and you watched the show with wide, attentive eyes. Kylo didn't seem to be as interested in it as you, and you felt flattered that he was sacrificing his time purely for your enjoyment. 

Now, as you shed your coat and heels, your feet ached but you were filled to the brim with content. You sat on the edge of the bed, watching Kylo slip off his suit jacket and tie. Something was off about him since you had ran into that man, Luke. You could tell he was trying to hide it behind his usual stony composure, but he kept fidgeting his hands, rolling and unrolling the playbill throughout the musical, tapping his thumb against the seat in the car. Guilt was settling in the pit of your stomach. His mood felt like your responsibility, but you weren't sure this was something you could fix. He ran his fingers through his hair and stared at the floor for a moment. You could sense the heavy weight looming in his mind. 

"That was really nice of you take me to the show. Especially since I'm sure your exhausted," you said softly, causing him to snap his gaze away from the ground. 


Usually, you didn't mind his short answers, but it was frustrating to watch him block you out. 

He turned and went into the bathroom. Seconds later, you heard the shower running and you frowned, heart sinking. He didn't want your comfort, but your mind was scrambled with the need to provide it. You took the opportunity of privacy to change into your rose colored nightgown before you tucked yourself beneath the covers and stared out at the display of glittering city lights. Part of you wanted to call Ivy. The other part knew that she would say you shouldn't be concerned about Kylo's private life. So your phone remained untouched. 

He wouldn't respond to any supportive dialogue you could offer. He probably wouldn't respond to any affectionate gestures either. Sex was certainly an option, but that seemed too easy. You hadn't challenged him lately. That first night you went to his apartment, he had told you he would enjoy being challenged, but you had gotten so caught up in tiptoeing around his temper, you had forgotten. 

Kylo emerged from the bathroom eventually, wearing his usual attire of sweatpants and a black t-shirt. His hair was wet, waves forming around his face. You prepared yourself with a deep breath. 

LUCKY |Modern Sugar Daddy AU|Where stories live. Discover now