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You jolted awake.

It took you a moment to process anything. Ivy was standing above you with wide eyes, her hand gripping your shoulder. You were in your own room. It was a Tuesday. 

"Jesus fuck," you mumbled groggily. "What?"

"Kylo's here."

She had obviously just woken. She was sporting underwear and a wrinkled tank top as pajamas. Two dutch braids ran across her scalp but they were frizzy and chaotic, random strands sticking out around her head. 

"What? Here?"

"He's on his way up now," she explained. 

"What the fuck?" you groaned and crawled off the mattress, standing on stiff, unstable legs. 

"He kept fucking ringing the buzzer and I didn't know what to do!"

You sighed. The room was incredibly dim, and one glance at the window explained that it was still dark out. Had it been morning, you would have felt a bit at ease, maybe even excited, hoping for a fun surprise, but a visit at night made you worry that something may be wrong. You couldn't imagine one single reason he would ever appear randomly at your door at this hour. Your mind could only assume the worst. 

"It's fine, it's fine. I'm sure everything is okay," you assured her. "Go back to bed."

Her eyes were squinting and blinking, fighting to stay open. Ivy nodded gratefully, and possibly a little annoyed, and muttered a "Good luck" before shuffling into the hallway. 

You stood for a moment, trying to process what you should do in the almost non-existent time you had before he would be stepping out of the elevator--makeup? change your shirt?

You couldn't even decide or finish the list of possibilities before there was a faint knock echoing down the hallway. You flinched and took a step forward, hesitating for a moment, before deciding that he had seen you look like a mess plenty of times, and besides, he was the one showing up in the middle of the night--He wasn't exactly allowed to expect your appearance to be pristine. 

With that thought, you scampered out of your room and down the hallway, not thinking much before you yanked the front door agape. 

The first thing you noticed was that he wearing a suit--which struck you ass odd, seeing that it was the middle of the night. He looked exhausted, puffy lips and dark circles under his squinting eyes. His hair was damp as if he had just showered and he took a deep breath when you swung the door open. 

"What happened?" you slurred, eyes squinting and blinking at the sudden light. 

"Oh," he raised his eyebrows and shook his head once. "No, nothing. Nothing for you to worry about."

LUCKY |Modern Sugar Daddy AU|Where stories live. Discover now