New York is Cold in January too

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You startled awake and squinted into the bright light of the hotel. Your heart was beating rapidly, body sore with exhaustion. You tried to recall what had woken you, but your train of thought was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. 

"Coming!" you shouted and wiggled out of the sheets. Your limbs felt slightly stiff and your eyelids were still heavy, but you stumbled to the door with little trouble and yanked it open. 

Jack stood on the other side, an appropriate two steps away, looking nervous in his uniform. "Good morning."

"Oh, Jack. Hey, what um--," you glanced at your appearance, horrified to find that your mini skirt had slid around your waist in your sleep and was now sideways, the zipper obvious on your hip. "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Ren called me," he said. His feet didn't want to stay still, taking small steps that moved him nowhere, his fists curling and uncurling at his side. 

"Okay," you said slowly, raising your eyebrows as a pang of anxiety rang through your chest. Your conversation with Kylo had been intense. You pictured him waking up, quiet as he got ready so as not to wake you, replaying his words in his mind, lips pursed with regret. 

"He's instructed me to drive you home."

Your face fell and your gut tightened. "We-we weren't supposed to go home until tomorrow."

"That's the instructions I received. Change of plans, I guess," Jack said. His pitying expression spiked anger through your veins. 

"Is Kylo leaving too?" you asked sternly.

"I don't think so."

You sighed and pressed your forehead to side of the door. It was happening again. He was pushing you away. He wanted to hide. You weren't going to go through this again. You weren't going to be ignored. 

"Do you know where he is?" you asked, stepping back and gesturing for Jack to come inside.

"At work?" Jack glanced around the room as you snatched your phone from the nightstand and opened the closet. 

"I mean exactly where, like do you know what building?" You pulled your sneakers from the floor and slipped into them. 

"I-I drove him there this morning," he replied. 

"Great," you brushed your fingers through your hair and pushed past him to enter the hallway. "You're going to take me there."



Finding Kylo's office was not easy. First, you had to ask the front desk which floor was CorTech's. Apparently, several floors were owned by the company, but with a bit of specification, they directed you to the right one. 

You were greeted by a modern, gray lobby, filled with cushioned chairs and a large desk in front of glass double doors. Beyond the glass, were rows of fancy wooden cubicles, all filled with formally dressed workers. The young man sitting behind the front desk greeted you with a blindingly white smile.

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