Christmas Eve

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a/n: I would recommend reading this in a dim room under covers, maybe with a Christmas candle going if you've got one. but do as you please.



Sophie worried for nothing. The party had barely begun, and already her desserts were receiving high praise. The little caramel apple ornaments were being consumed quickly, the stack of brownies already dwindling.

You were doing your best to not think of Kylo. He had declined your invitation and that was okay. He was an adult and he could take care of himself-- if he had wanted to come he would be here. Still, the thought of him alone in his dark apartment on Christmas Eve was haunting your thoughts, and dimming your bright mood. Rey must have noticed, because she was attached at your hip since the start of the party, arm hooked around your side for the last twenty minutes. Kylo's loneliness may have dampened your mood, but it certainly wasn't ruining your evening. You weren't sure anything could.  All your favorite people were here. They were all Rey and Sophie's friends but they knew Rey's story, which in a way meant they knew yours too, and they had taken care of you for the past years you'd known them. They texted you on birthdays and gave you gift cards for Christmas. You'd receive random phone calls asking how you were, and you were greeted with tight bear hugs as soon as you entered the room. They were family. 

You were speaking to Gabe, Rey's close friend from one of her past odd jobs, when your phone buzzed. You ignored it at first, listening to his story of his last bad Hinge date, laughing when he announced that the girl turned out to be less single than he had assumed, but it kept buzzing in your back pocket. His story hit a lull and he gestured towards your jeans. 

"You can get that," he assured you, sipping on Sophie's favorited hot chocolate. 

"Sorry," you mumbled. "I don't know who's bothering me on Christmas Eve."

Turns out, it was the one person you wanted to be bothered by. Kylo had sent three texts. 

Can you come outside?

It's freezing. 

Maybe I should leave?

You gasped accidentally and excused yourself with wide eyes. You pulled your coat from the arm of the sofa and scurried across the living room, whipping the front door open and slamming it behind you. 

Kylo was pacing along the sidewalk, his hand rubbing his neck in discomfort. He looked up at the sound of your sneakers squeaking against the packed snow. 

"Hi," you said plainly. 


"What are you--What-- Are you okay?" you stuttered, unsure of which question to start with. 

"You said the invitation was always there. Is it, uh, too late? I can go."

"No!" you said, embarrassingly eager. "No, no. Of course not. You came for the party?"

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