Search Party

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a/n: I want to sincerely apologize for how long this took me to get up. I actually had a chapter ready on Tuesday night (completely different than this) and decided that it was sloppy and not at all what I wanted. So I rewrote it. I'm much happier with this one. Thank you so much for being patient. I promise I'm not trying to torture you or drag it out. School is just catching up with me. Love you. --deli



Rey and Sophie had vastly different approaches to wedding planning. Sophie had a whole binder of printed Pinterest photos and cutouts from magazines. Everything was glued onto cardstock pages. There were random color swatches she had snatched from Home Depot and she had a list of ideas that included things like 'glittery vases?' and 'bridesmaids--leopard print shoes?'

Rey, on the other hand, had one note on her phone filled with links to ideas and products with actual price tags. She knew exactly which ideas were too cheesy, but claimed she couldn't care less about what shoes the bridesmaids wore. She seemed a bit indifferent to making choices, and often just nodded and added a "Sure, that sounds fine" to Sophie's suggestions.

The kitchen table in your apartment was a disaster, covered in magazines and snacks, Sophie's giant binder taking up a large portion of the surface. The four of you--Rey, Sophie, Ivy and yourself--were gathered around it tackling different tasks. Ivy was gluing paper butterflies onto the guest book. You were working on the reception playlist--a DJ could not be afforded. Sophie was doing anything that came to mind--she usually got too distracted to be assigned a specific task. And Rey was meant to be sorting through the RSVP's. 

It felt a bit like an emergency meeting. Because it was. No one was too surprised that Rey and Sophie wanted to get married as soon as possible. They had been waiting a while. The biggest hurdle would have been the venue, but Hazel, one of Sophie's friends, had parents that owned a country club. They agreed to let the couple rent it out for a cheaper price. The options for the big day were either one month or six months away. Sophie claimed one month was perfect. Sitting around the table at 9 p.m. with plenty more details waiting to be sorted out, you were starting to wonder how she would ever believe that.

"What about these little guys on the tables?" Sophie asked holding up a photo of a potted leafy plant. "Is it not spring-y enough?"

"It's cute if they're not too expensive," Ivy said. She pulled out a small round glass. "I'm gonna start on the candle holders." She had white ribbon to glue around them, along with some fake purple baby's-breath flowers. 

"I like that idea, Soph." You agreed with an excited nod. The three of you turned to look at Rey who was taking a large bite of her Chipotle burrito. 

"Oh," she said, voice muffled from the food in her mouth. "Sure, looks great."

"Rey," Sophie said slightly concerned. She blinked at her with hopeful, begging eyes.

Rey chewed a few more times before she swallowed her giant bite and cleared her throat. "I like it," she said plainly. She coughed into her hand and stood from her seat to wander into the kitchen. You flashed Sophie a small, pitying smile, before standing and following her. Rey was peering into the fridge, choosing between a water and an iced tea, so you pushed yourself to sit on the counter behind her. She flinched slightly when she turned to notice you, plastic bottle gripped between her fingers. She started for the table again but you kicked your foot out to block her.

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