For Tonight

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After years of being condemned and shamed, Rey had finally won. Her white jumpsuit seemed entirely appropriate for the big day, as did Sophie's short satin dress. You couldn't stop crying during the ceremony. Ivy kept grinning at you from her seat in the front. You smiled back despite the tears that were spilling continuously down your cheeks. Rey looked so happy. She looked so okay. You'd never seen her this hopeful. Sophie was a blubbering mess of tears and joy. She could barely get through her vows without sobbing, and even Rey's voice cracked somewhere within her declaration of commitment. 

And then they were married. You were grateful when the crowd clapped and hooted while the newlyweds kissed and scurried down the aisle hand in hand. Rey deserved to feel that amount of acceptance. It was all you had ever wanted for her. 

You had spent the entire ceremony wondering if your parents were going to show up and ruin the occasion. The only slightly unexpected guest was Kylo. 

After Rey's brief gone-missing moment, she was incredibly embarrassed but also incredibly grateful that Kylo had helped in the search. She insisted that, if it was alright with you, he be invited to the wedding. Deep down you sensed that it was more of Sophie's idea than Rey's, but you didn't mind either way. Despite everything that had happened, Kylo still felt like your friend, and having him present on a specifically important day just felt right. 

Plus, you knew he would look handsome in his suit. You were right. It was gray and perfectly tailored to fit his figure. His new haircut was a bonus. You didn't notice him until you had already taken your place as Rey's maid of honor at the front of the green, country club lawn. You had been shooing away a bee when you met his eye. You grinned at the sight of him and his handsomeness. He grinned back. 

The reception was your favorite part. The white outdoor tent had openings like windows that let the orange light of the setting sun fill the crammed space.  When the food had been mostly consumed and people began to grow restless, you stood next to Rey and Sophie's table and asked for everyone's attention through the mic.

Don't find Kylo, you reminded yourself. Public speaking was scary enough without his intimidating gaze. 

"I think most of you know me," you started. Your voice was wavering but you tried to calm it. "I'm Rey's sister, and her maid of honor." You found Ivy and she flashed you a confident thumbs up. Somehow it helped. "I'm not sure how many of you know Rey's story. I won't share it in full, but she's given me permission to mention the basics. Um, we didn't grow up in a household where Rey was accepted." The familiar sting of tears was already clawing at your throat. "I don't think I'll ever know the kind of pain she's been through. All I know is how much it hurt to watch her doubt her own identity, and it hurt a lot. So I can't imagine what it was like to be in her place." Rey was blinking rapidly. You smiled a little, knowing she was fighting back tears now. "I know that's a bit of a downer, but I think it's what makes today so special. Rey is selfless and calm. She deserves love. I hate that anyone ever made her believe differently. Because look at them." You stepped back and wiped your damp cheeks as Sophie grinned and Rey blushed. "How could that ever be wrong?"

Ivy was crying too now, and she laughed quietly when you met her gaze. 

"Shit, sorry," you mumbled into the mic, stopping to sniffle and wipe away tears. "Sophie is my sister now, though I felt like she was my sister before. She's genuine and caring, and I don't know if she realizes it or not, but she knows exactly how to make a person feel like they belong in the world." You looked back at her to find her lips pressed together tightly, her hand resting on her chest. "I don't know if we learned a lot about love from our parents. I think Rey learned about it from Sophie, and I learned about it from watching the two of them be so annoyingly perfect together."

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