You're Forgetting My Name

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"Is everything okay?" 

Kylo tore his gaze from the flickering candle. He looked tired, even more than that night on his balcony, the dark rings of purple plastered under his hooded eyes even darker now. The plate of steak in front of him was still mostly full and his mind had been wandering throughout the whole meal. You tried to make conversation but you could tell he wasn't up for it, staring into space for minutes at a time as if you weren't even there. It was more concerning than offensive. 


You took a sip of wine and pushed your empty plate towards to the side. 

The restaurant was gorgeous with white tablecloths lining the tables and large windows displaying the lighted skyline. There was a stone fireplace on one wall and lavish chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Sitting here in your new black dress, across from Kylo, looking especially handsome in a fully black suit ensemble, should have felt perfect. But the absence of his focus dampened the fairytale. You wondered why he took you out to dinner at all if he wasn't in the right headspace for it. No part of you was angry. Just confused. You didn't want him to do things just because he thought he had to. 

"Your mind is somewhere else," you observed aloud, careful that no hint of threat was in your tone. 

"Work," he answered bluntly.   

"Your stress is contagious." 

He frowned but didn't reply. 

The waitress appeared at the table and dropped off the check with a smile. You thanked her and Kylo slipped his card into the leather booklet, not bothering to glance at the receipt. 

"You shouldn't worry about work on the weekends," you leaned forward, elbows resting on the table, and fidgeted with the gold bangle on your wrist. You hadn't taken it off in the last 24 hours since he'd bought it for you. 

"Weekends aren't really weekends for me."

"Then when do you get a break?"

"I don't."

You sighed and gulped down another mouthful of wine. "That doesn't seem fair."

A figure approached the table, but you kept your eyes on Kylo's blank expression, assuming it was the waitress. 


Your eyes shot up. The girl was tall, at least taller than you, with wide hips and perky breasts. Her long brunette hair cascaded down her shoulders and rested against the red fabric of her tight fitting dress. Kylo sat up and reached out to shake her hand. 

"Abigail, good to see you." He was forcing a polite smile, but his shoulders were wide and alert. You pushed away the jealously bubbling in your chest. 

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