The Two of Us

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**warning: I should have put this warning earlier. I'm truly sorry. This chapter gets a bit intense. Maybe more than a bit. There's a lot of angst. People have said they had to take breaks. Please keep this in mind as you move forward. If you feel the need to skim, go for it. If you feel the need to skip it altogether, dm me and I will summarize it in a way that won't be too overwhelming. I care about your emotions. I don't write angst just to toy with your feelings. 


"I'm kind of nervous," you announced. 

Kylo stood beside you in front of the bathroom mirror. You had come straight from your meeting with your new agent, and you had felt the need to redo your eyeliner. 

"Don't be."

Abigail would arrive any minute with those wide hips and perky breasts. You tried to remind yourself that she seemed nice. This wasn't really her doing. You were the one allowing it to happen. Kylo seemed fine, though you wished he seemed nervous too. 

"She's so pretty," you mumbled. You weren't exactly insecure. You just needed a bit of assurance, and you hoped that putting yourself down might make Kylo remind you of the way he favored you. It wasn't your healthiest tactic. You blamed it on the nerves.

He moved to stand behind you, fingers skimming over your waist. 

"I thought we already established in New York that you think highly of your appearance."

You rolled your eyes. Not the answer you needed. 

"We didn't establish what you thought," you said shyly. Fishing for compliments wasn't fun, but you were growing desperate to cease the anxious tingling in your gut.

Kylo met your gaze through the reflection. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

You sighed. "I wasn't comparing myself to Abigail. I'm not getting jealous, okay? Girls judge each other sometimes. I'm more worried that she'll think I'm not good or something."

Kylo chuckled lowly and pressed a lingering kiss to your neck. "You're worried about Abigail thinking badly of you?"

You shrugged. 

"If anything, she should be jealous of you," he said into your ear.

Your heart fluttered and you grinned. It was a rare, but especially generous compliment. The nature of the comment made you feel slightly guilty. You didn't want to tear her down or talk poorly of her, but still the flattery of his words struck you.

"I don't want anyone to be jealous of anyone. I just want it to be fun," you explained.

"It won't be fun unless you relax a little."

"Maybe I need something to drink," you said with a frown.

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