9. | Boyfriend |

17 2 0

Cole's P.O.V. 

I sit on my bike while watching cars go bye. It had been a while since I've seen Charlie. I felt bad for leaving her with the conversations I did. We spoke like it was normal, it was for me but not for her. 

Did I miss her? 

More like got used to seeing her. Wow, I'm apologizing in thought. Get a grip. I didn't dwell on it much before starting up my bike. My phone rings in my pocket right before I begin to drive.

Oliver, "What?" I ask.

"Come to school today, we have a guy to meet." He says.

"See you there." I say, then hang up. 

When I get to school I spot Oliver standing by the doors of the school. I walk up to him and he looks around.

"Hey man." He says smiling.

"Sup." I say blankly.

"Well there's this Elijah guy Chloe wants us to meet." He says.

"No." I say, I'd rather not see that whore again.


"No, I don't want to see her, you act like we're friends." I say.

"Just the guy?" He asks.

"Fine." I sigh.

We walk in and I follow Oliver. I have no idea where we're supposed to meet them, when we stop I see Chloe and some guy with blonde hair standing next to her.

"You remember my sister right?" Her annoying voice speaks.

I nod, not wanting to say a word to her.

"This is her boyfriend, Elijah, maybe you guys can be frie-" She starts.


What do I care?

Ugh. I turn and walk away before she finishes. I have no time for this, Pushing through the crowd, I make my way to my bike.

"Dude!" I hear Olive call.

I sit on my seat and look at him. 

"What's up man?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I just..."

"You like her." He accuses, crossing his arms.

"What? no. I-"

"Dude." He interrupts, "You can say what you want."

He walks away, leaving me confused. I roll my eyes with a sigh as I kick my leg up and begin to drive. Why didn't she say she had a boyfriend? Why would he come around now? So many questions.

Chloe's P.O.V.

"It worked." I whisper with a smirk.

He nods, smiling at me, "He's pissed."

"What? Why would he be?" I ask.

"Well, he likes her." He says.

"No." I shake my head, "I'm just making me the only option."

He nods with an unsure look, "Shut up!"

"Don't get all pissy with me." He says sternly.

What the hell is wrong with this dude? He should be all over me by now. I'm the hottest person at school if not in the world. His loss. 

"We know faze two if it's needed." I say.

He nods and we walk down the hall together. 

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