22. | New Man |

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The last bell rings and I make my way out of the school. In the process I drop my books, I bend down to grab them.

A hand picks up one, making me look up.

"Hey." He says.

I don't know who it is. He tall with blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears a blue t-shirt and jeans.

"Hey." I sigh, standing.

"I'm Tyler." He says, holding out his hand.

I shake it, "Charlie."

"Beautiful." He comments.

I blush, "Thank you for helping me."

"Yeah." He says, "We're all clumsy."

I let out a giggle, "Yeah."

"Can I give you my number?" He asks. 

I shrug, "Sure."

I hand him my phone and he types it in quickly before handing it back to me.

"Cool." He comments.

I nod with a smile. He's handsome and polite, something is welcoming too.

"Bye." I wave.

"Bye." He smiles.

I turn and make my way up the street. When I get home, I see Madi and Cat sitting in Cat's car.

"What're you guys doing here?" I ask.

"To hang  out." They say.

"The party isn't for a while." I laugh.

"We're best friends though." Cat teases.

I nod and look up to my house. At any chance I got, I'd avoid going in.

"Let's go get some food." Madi says.

I nod and get into the back seat. Cat hums along with the songs playing. When we pull up to the diner, I get out and walk with Madi and Cat. Our arms link making us laugh.

The guy behind the counter waves with a smile. We take our seats in a booth, we usually sat here every time.

"So you and Cole?" Madi asks.

I shake my head, "We've agreed to be friends."

"Aww." Cat whines, "Come on." 

I tilt my head at her, "Really?"

They both nod, "We ship it still."

I roll my eyes and look up to the guy with our food. Tyler. He looks over to me and a smile appears.

"Charlie?" He asks.

I nod with a smile, "Hi."

"It's nice to see you again." He says.

Madi and Cat look back and forth between us.

"You two know each other?" Cat asks.

I nod, "Yeah, this is Tyler. My... friend." I say

He gives me a warm smile, "Hey."

They both wave, "When do you get off?" Cat asks.

I look at her with wide eyes, What is she doing?

"Um nine, why?" He asks.

"You should eat with us." Madi says.

"I'd hate to intrude." He shakes his head.

I join in, "You wouldn't be."

"Sure?" He asks.

We all nod and he straightens up, "Okay."

We all cheer and he leaves. Madi and Cat get my attention instantly.

"Who was that?" Cat squeaks.

"Tyler." I say obviously.

She rolls her eyes, "Your new man?"

I shake my head, "No."

"He's cute, take him out." Madi says.

"Shut up!" I joke.

We all continue to eat and laugh as we talk. The main topic was Tyler, due to his new appearance in my life. 

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