13. | My Man |

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Charlie's P.O.V. 

I get out in a few more weeks and it's all well. I've been talking with Cat and Madi a lot, the little times I talked to Cole was nice. I'm on the phone with Madi and Cat, we're talking about school and drama.

"How's everything going?" I ask.

"Good, you'r man is showing up." Madi says.

"My man?" I laugh.

"Yeah, Cole, you'r future husband." Cat laughs.

I slap my forehead, "He's not even close okay? I don't even like him."

"He likes you, you talk right?" Madi asks.

"Yes. That doesn't mean anything." I shrug, knowing she can't see me. 

"I live to see you'r wedding day." Cat says.

I roll my eyes as I listen to Madi laugh at her.

"Whatever." I giggle.

"I'm picking you up in a few weeks girl." Cat says.

"I know!" I squeal.

I take a quick glance around to make sure no one is looking at me. 

"We miss you Babe!" They cheer.

"I miss you too." I say sadly.

"I hope your man calls soon." Madi says.

"Shut up!" I laugh.

"Bye." The say in sync.

"Bye!" I cheer.

I begin to walk back when a guard calls me.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"You'r mom is here." He says.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Your mom." He repeats.

I shake my head, "I'm good."

"No." He says, "Now."

I roll my eyes and walk out of the hall.

"Hey." She sighs.

She sits straight with a smile, "How're you?"

I sit with my arms crossed, not making eye contact.

"Charlie." She calls.

"I'm sorry." She says, "It had to be done."

"Mom!" I scream, "Are you fucking kidding me!?"

Her face flushes, "She has made my life a living hell! I have survived though and now she has completely tricked you!"

"Ch-" She can't finish.

"No! If anything, this experience has mad me worse to you! I find myself better because I can see, now that I don't have to be ugly." I explain calmly, "She has forced this image of me, I started to believe it. At  least here I can be myself."

I stand and walk out the door as tears prick my eyes. The guards follow me until I reach my room and slam myself onto the bed. When I get out, I will make it my duty to ruin my sister's life. 

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