12. | Misunderstanding |

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Charlie's P.O.V.

I put in the second call after Cat and Madi hang up. There's silence for a while until I speak.

"Elijah I swear to god! I fucking hate yo-"

"It's... not Elijah." Cole's voice snaps me out of the anger rushing through me. 

He makes me feel calm for some reason. 

"Sorry." I breathe.

"It's okay, I know you're probably stressed and mad." He says.

"Yeah," I sigh, "Why're you calling?"

"I can't stop anymore, it was... a misunderstanding." He says.

"Aw were you jealous?" I tease.

"I'm hanging up now." He says.

"Good night." I laugh.

I put the phone up and walk back to my room with thorough happiness. Even if it's just for now, it feels nice. When I lay down, I close my eyes with a sigh. 

Cole's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. The curtains are opened allowing it to be brighter. Groaning, I sit up and begin to get dressed. After, I head to my house. 

My mother stands on the porch with a smile.

"Hey Hon." She says.

I roll my eyes and walk to her, "Hi."

She gives me a short hug, I don't like hugs. 

"Thank you for coming." She says.

I nod, "Yeah."

"Do you want to come in?" She asks.

I shake my head, "Not really."

"I heard things have been hard at school?" She asks.

I snap my head to her, "Who told you that?"

"I read the school paper." She shrugs.

"It's in the school paper?" I ask.

She nods, I groan, wishing she hadn't read it. I do love my mother, but we aren't the closest. She tries to be but I'm not too easy. She's also really nosy and it gets annoying.

"So who's the girl they talk about?" She asks.

"What does it have to do with me?" I ask.

"Says you raged over it." She smirks.

I shake my head, "That's over exaggerated." 

"Mhm." She says sarcastically,"Who. is. she?"

"I don't know." I lie, shrugging.

"Though we don't visit much, I'm your mother, you think I can't tell when you lie?"

"I don't care." I say.

She smiles at me, Making me want to disappear. Why did I even have to lie? She doesn't mean anything to me. does she?

You call her. 

Shut up.

"Charlie." I give in.

"Ah. Is she nice?" She asks.

"Mother." I warn.

"I'll meet her some day." She laughs.

"No." I shake my head, "We aren't even friends."

"Keep telling yourself that." She smiles.]

I stand and walk back down the the sidewalk.

"Good bye mother." I say. 

"Bye baby." She laughs.

Rolling my eyes with a scoff, I get onto my bike and zoom away. 

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