54. | Picked up |

9 2 0

Cat's P.O.V.

The day of sitting with Cole was really awkward and heart breaking to watch. Me and Madi came to Charlie's to have a game night. Hopefully it goes well. 

Madi cups her hands and shakes the dice for a while before throwing them onto the playing bored. I add up her one and two with a laugh.

"You rolled three." I inform.

"Hah!" Charlie laughs, "You pay the fine of three hundred dollars!"

Madi frowns while handing over the colored money. 

There's a loud banging noise downstairs. I look over to Madi and Charlie while furrowing my eye brows.

"Is that you'r mom?" I ask.

Charlie shakes her head, "Night shift, and Chloe is off with "friends."

I watch as she gets up while shoving the rest of her pizza in her mouth. She stumbles toward the bed room door and walks out. 

"Wait!" I call, "What if it's a robber?"

She rolls her eyes and continues down the hall. There's silence for a minute before I hear her.

"Definitely not robber." She sighs.

I look to Madi and she shrugs.

"Who is it?" I call.

"Looks like our night is cut short." She says.

"Charlie, who is it?" I ask again.

"Showing up was enough, might as well come in." She says. 

I can tell she's irritated and it's not a nice look.

Cole steps from behind the wall, "Hey guys."

Me and Madi wave awkwardly, "Hi."

"I'm just here to steal her so continue with the game." He says pointing at Charlie.

"What? No, you're not." She says.

"Bet." He crosses his arms.

She groans, "Fine! you're the one who made me leave the first time."

"Let's go." He says, walking away. 

Me and Madi continue our game without her.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I follow Cole out to his car I didn't know he had until after my time served. Getting in, I sit uncomfortably. I shouldn't have agreed so easily but it's how I am with him.

"Why do you want to talk now?" I ask.

"I just needed time." He shrugs.

"You say it like it's no big deal." I burst.

"You love me, I love you, we'll get over it." He shrugs.

"Cole, you can't just do that." I say.

"So you do love me?" He asks.

"I... I can't.." I begin.

"Can't what?" He asks. 

"I can't deny that." I sigh.

"Just let me take you to my house and we can talk." He says.

"Fine, please don't make me regret it." I whine.

"I won't. I promise." He says, taking my hand. 

I don't move it, he holds it the whole time he drives. 

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