40. | Juicy Stuff |

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Cole?" I ask, "We had problems, I guess they're fixed now."

"I know you're friends and all but I don't like him." He admits.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Sure he's a pain but why don't you like him?"

He shrugs, "He likes you."

"What?" I ask, "No he doesn't."

"You're blind." He accuses.

I laugh a little, "Whatever, you ready?"

I go to kiss him but he backs up, "Lipstick."

I shrug, feeling kind of embarrassed. Madi and Cat step out quietly.

"Bye girls, be back soon!" I wave.

Tyler takes my hand and leads me away.

Cat's P.O.V.

I wish I could've listened to what Cole and Charlie were talking about. They're so perfect for each other and I feel bad for Tyler. I know for a fact they'll end up together, over time. 

Hours later, Charlie comes through the door.

"Hey, how'd it go?" I ask.

"You stayed all night?" She asks.

I shrug, "I took Mads home but yeah."

"Okay." She shrugs.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Nothing, just hung out." She says. 

"Man, that's sad." I say.

"What?" She laughs, "Why?"

"No kissing?" I ask.

"Can I be honest?" She asks back.

We sit on her bed with the door shut. The lights seem unusual with the darkness of the windows.

"It's me here, go on." I say smiling.

"When I kiss Tyler." She begins.

Yes! The juicy stuff!

"I don't feel much." She admits.

I look at her confused, "What? Why?"

"I don't know!" She fall back on the bed, "It's so plain and kind of boring."

"Dump him." I say nonchalantly.

"What? No." She says, "Just because there's no spark, doesn't mean I don't care for him." 

"But, you'll just be leading him on." I say, making a point.

She nods in agreement, "Give it a few."

"Okay." I say, laying back.

"Goodnight." She whispers.

I turn off the lights while she changes into pajamas. When we lay down I turn away from her to get comfortable.

"Do what makes you happy." Is the last thing I say before falling asleep.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I slam the pillow against Cat's head, waking her up. She groans while shuffling around, making me laugh.

"You're a horrible human being." She groans.

I shrug, "But you love me."

"Luck I do." She whispers.

"Come on!" I yell, "Get up!" 

"Fine! Stop yelling." She rolls onto the floor with a thud. 

My laughter fills my room as she groans and tries to hit me. 

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