15. | Mommy |

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Chloe's P.O.V.

I wake up and stretch, I look beautiful. I know I do! Getting up, I slip on my fuzzy cute slippers and walk downstairs. Ever since my dreadful sister left, I've been living the life. I hate her for taking half of my life already. I wish I'd sent her away a long time ago. She's so ungrateful for me. Finally something I had planned worked out. Though it wasn't forever, at least I got some time without that troll.

"Chloe!" Mom calls.

I walk over to her and smile warmly.

"Tomorrow your sister get's back." She says.

Don't remind me.

I hold back my anger and smile, "I can't wait to see her be all better!"

Mother is stupid.

"She won't be here much." She says frowning.

"Why?" I pretend to care and not be happy.

"She's not the happiest with mommy." She says.

"Aw." I say, making her smile.

"Get to school honey." She says.

"Okay Mommy." I cheer.

Ugh. I'm happy she's so gullible.

Madi's P.O.V.

"Mom!" I yell.

"yes Honey?" She asks.

"Can I throw a party for Charlie?" I ask.

"Of course, I feel bad for her." She says.

"I know." I sigh.

"I'll be gone all night tomorrow so, go ahead." She smiles.

"Okay, where will you be?" I ask.

"Work." She groans.

I nod, giving her a skeptical look. When I get up stairs, I call Cat.

"Hey!" I cheer into the phone.

"Yes?" She asks.

"She said yes." I say.

"Great!" She squeals, "I'll get the decorations today and come over tomorrow."

"Okay, see you at school." I say. 

Cole's P.O.V.

I don't want to go to school today but my mother won't stop bothering me. I had no idea when Charlie was getting back. All I knew was I couldn't stop my brain from wondering to her. She drives me insane and I hated it. What the hell has this girl done to me? When I called her she seemed relaxed and comfortable. 

I hated that. Some part of me just hoped she'd get her sister back for being such a bitch. Lately she has been all over me. It's disgusting, she's some how convinced herself I want her. She's the last person I want. I sit on my bike looking through my phone, Oliver's name pops up.

I answer the call, "What?"

"Dude, guess what?" He asks.

"Hm?" I ask

"Charlie is coming back tomorrow." He says.

"I don't care." I lie. Why? Why did I? Groaning, I pull the phone back to my ear.

"Dude, don't lie." He says.

I roll my eyes, him knowing is the last thing I want. 

Knowing what!?

Ugh. I click the end button and shove the phone into my pocket. I start the bike and head off to school. Though I hated it, I didn't care enough to skip. It's the only place I had for entertainment most of the time. 

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