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The perfect location, for a romantic ski date with the love of your life. This is what delilah thought when her boyfriend, john, asked her to come on holiday with him.

She didn't expect to film a movie, at the same time.

They were on their second week in snowy austria, when delilah realised how little time she had actually got to spend with her long term boyfriend.

Of course she loved the man, more than anything, but she did miss being able to go on dates. Alone. Without any of the band coming. Without Paul.

Delilah, Paul and John had grown up together in liverpool. But since then the boys had grown to success, the height of beatlemania had begun. And she was proud of the boys, super proud.

But Delilah and John hadn't been on a date alone since their first one back in 1961.

John had always went everywhere with his right hand man, Paul McCartney, and of course Delilah loved him, he was her bestfriend after all, but when John began bringing the boy on dates with them, she realised it was taken a little far.

It all started back in 1962 when Paul showed up "on accident" to their date at the theater. She didn't think much of it, until he began showing up to every one since then.

He would show up at the worst moments, including the first time John and Delilah decided to take their relationship to the next level, which obviously didn't happen after the boy interrupted.

Delilah knew Paul ment well, but sometimes she wanted to kick him out, whenever he showed up to date night on a Thursday.

John spent ever day with the lads at the studio, performing and even travelling the world. The least he could do was ask paul to leave once a week, to hang out with his girlfriend.

After a long day of shooting, delilah decided to try get john alone, for a little while atleast.

So when the four men came trudging in covered in snow and layers of jackets, she immediately grabbed two cups of hot cocoa and walked to her and john's bedroom at the end of the hall.

"Up for a cuppa lads?" george asked, making all three nod, "here, where's dee?" the strong liverpudlian accent of john asked. Paul shrugged lying back on the couch, rubbing his hands together to warm up.

"Johnny?" delilah whisper yelled from the gap in the bedroom door, johns head shot in her direction smirking as she waved him over to the bedroom. He stood up off the couch and walked along, "What are you up to?" he teased, putting his hands, dangerously low, on the girls waist, making the girl shush him. "I made you hot cocoa" she said pointing to the contraption of whipped cream and sprinkles on his bedside table. He kissed her cheek thankfully before jumping on the double bed and patting the space next to him, which she gladly took, sliding under the covers and wrapping her arm around his chest.

"Lenny?" a voice asked from outside their room, john went to stand up, when delilah held him a little tighter. The bedroom door opened to see Paul standing their, "tea's ready" he stated smiling at the couple, "we're actually going to hang out here" john stated making paul smirk "okay, don't have to much fun" he teased before walking out.

John lay back on the bed kissing delilah's forehead lightely.

"I love you" murmered against her hair, she smiled "I love you more john lennon."

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