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(requested by

It was dark in the house. It's usual fun and airy feel was nowhere in-sight.

Sarah got up from the bed, Richard's side lay empty and untouched. Not usual for the man, especially on a Sunday.

His only day off, was usually spent in bed with his girl, alot of cuddling and then dinner being ordered in that night.

The couple would spend the day rolling around in bed, longing kisses being placed upon foreheads and massages recieved, on the man's behalf.
But this was different.

Ringo was nowhere in sight, and the kitchen was empty.

Sarah walked along the darker hallway towards the living room, opening the door slowly her hand fell to her side.

Her ringo with his head inbetween another women's legs, the moans getting louder as the unfamiliar women reached her climax.

Sarah screamed at the sight as she walked away from the scene.


"Sarah!" he called after her, "It isn't that big of a deal! You're acting like a bitch" he said as his 'wife' turned to face him.

His usual blue eyes seemed dull,  almost unreal.

Sarah cried as the man went on about how she could never please him, he needed somebody more.

"Look she's just- she's...well she's better" he laughed, sarah crying became louder, "Stop crying, Sarah. You sound rediculous!" he yelled in her face.

She winced, falling silent under his glare.

"Wait...you didn't actually think i loved you, right?" he laughed bitterly, taking a drag from his cigarette, "I could get any women in the world" he moved his arms around for effect "why would I settle for an ugly, poor girl from Liverpool?" he asked with grin that was almost evil, he stepped closer to the girl-


Sarah shot up in bed, hot tears soaked her skin.

"It was just a dream" she thought, the statement was repeated over and over.

But she just couldn't get the image out of her head, the moans of ecstasy coming from that women, and the evil glint in her husband's eye.

"It wasn't real" she said quietly, Sarah turned her head slightly, looking at the man. Her man.

His plump lips opened slightly as he slept peacefully, a line of drool sliding from the corner of his mouth as soft snores fell from his form.

She cried even harded at the thought of ever loosing him.

So hard infact, she had forgotten all about the sleeping man beside her.

"Baby?" he asked his groggy baritone voice interrupted as he sat up in bed, he gasped as he noticed her tears.

"What happened, my love?" he asked, not letting her answer, "you're safe, dear" he whipered as he wrested Sarah's head on his chest.

Richard's whispering soon calmed the women, as her crying came to a stop.

"What happened, princess Sarah?" he asked quietly using her usual nickname, he couldn't see her face properly from his position under her, but picturing the women's small smile as she held in a giggle, was enough to make him grin.

"You it- you were with this women and- she was- you had- It was awful richie!" she cried throwing her arms around ringo's neck and burrying her face in his bare chest.

She pecked it softly as he rubbed his cold ringed hands across the bare skin on her back and arm.

"Now why would I ever do that?" he asked softly, the girl blushed in embarrassment.

"I love you, Sarah" he sung pecking her face all-over making the girl laugh helplessly.

"I love you more, Richard Starkey" she whispered, "impossible" he spat as he mocked offence, grinning smugly as the girl kissed his lips and head.

Request for
marmaladeskies67 :)

hope you enjoy <3

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