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The Lennon family had spent the past year with eachother, for the first time...ever.

Usually it would just be Eden and their son Julian in their small working class liverpurdlian home.

John didn't visit much during his Beatle days, and when he did, Julian would get so excited there was no way Eden could turn the father of her child away.

As the band fell apart, John visited more and more, claiming he had felt guilty and wanted another chance.

To make things right.

So she allowed it, she didn't expect to move out to New York and stay in some posh apartment.

But for a whole year she felt at home. Just after the band split the Lennon fanily spent every day together.

Just her, with her little boy and the love of her life...But now John had began recording his new solo album, which she was proud of, but it just meant he wasn't home.

Today he had promised his boy, he would be home, for his son's thirteen birthday.

Julian had always celebrated his birthday a day early, to avoid confusion with his dad's.


The little boy was sat in darkness looking out of the tall glass windows, that peered upon central park.

"Mum do you think dad will be home?" he asked turning to face his mother.

The women had just finished placing candles in the, boys favourite, homemade chocolate cake.

She smiled at her boy as he walked over and jamp up sitting on the expensive granite countertops.

"Who cares, right?' she asked.

Although she cared.
And Julian wasn't a little boy anymore, although the women did call him that alot of the time, he knew now. Whenever his dad was lying. He had became quiet good at reading his mum, from the amount of time they'd spent in the shadows together.

"We'll watch The Monkees" she said pointing at the screen "and eat as much chocolate and sweets as you want!" she said smearing chocolate icing on the boys cheek, making him laugh.

"He did promise though, mum" the boy whined, Eden nodded "but guess what?" she paused carrying the tray of sugary snacks over to the living room.

"More chocolate cake for us!" she grinned, flinging a blanket over the boys head.

Finally he gave in falling back onto the sofa next to his mum.


"Mum?" the boy asked, half way through their twelth episode, the women turned to look at her boy.

"Yes, love?"

"Why do we celebrate dad's birthday if he doesn't celebrate ours?" he asked.

The women bit back a smile, before running her hand through her son's hair.

"If your dad was to jump of a cliff, would you?"

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