paul and john

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   The sun shone through the large canopy windows, a light breeze coming past the open doors.

Two of the four men, currently eating breakfast, watched in astonishment at the girl's beauty.

Her long brown hair fell down her back, stopping just above her waist, a red ribbon tying it at the back. Her large plump lips, breaking into a smile as she gossips with a group of girls, also cast in the movie.

Currently the band were recording their first movie 'A Hard Days Night'

One of the make-up artists catching two pairs of eyes, had distracted the boys.

She had their full attention, and by the looks of things, she also showed some intrest in them.

They pair, always caught her sparing them glances on her breaks, or lingering her hands a little longer, whenever she fixed their make-up and hair.

The girl chatted away with Pattie, one of the actresses, as she fixed her makeup.

"I've actually been speaking to george" she said quietly, Clarice squealed as they both looked back at the boy's, who sat watching the two, while stuffing their faces with breakfast.

"He's looking right at you, how cute" clarice teased adding a little bit of blush to the model's cheeks before allowing her to stand.

"You are the best, clarice!" she smiled hugging you before running off to record.

The girl sat down at a table, for her break.

She read over newspaper that lay on the table, before someone coughed from behind her.

She looked up, seeing two of the four boys standing infront of her.

"Is everything okay Mr McCartney?" she asked shyly as he, and john, sat down on either side of her.

"Call me paul, love" he said, "' like our music?" john asked, the girl nodded "my little sister, loves you guys, she has it playing all the time" the girl said while finishing her cup of tea.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, as the two stared at her, in awe, "who's her favourite then?" john asked, snapping out of his gaze.

"Oh she does love ringo" clarice smiled, "is everything okay, you guys seem fazed-" she was cut off.

"who's your favourite?" paul asked smirking, as she blushed and looked at her feet, "i don't have one..." the girl trailed off.

"You must have a favourite! what about george?" john asked, pushing a piece of her fallen hair behind her ear, "i don't really-" paul leaned forward "what about ringo?" he asked, she shook her head.

"So are me or paul your favourite?" he asked, joining his already smirking friend.

"you do stare quiet alot don't you?" he asked leaning in closer.

His lips now brushing her ear, "your always staring, clarice"

That was the first time she had heard him say her name, and she loved how it rolled off his tounge.

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