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(requested by JordynK11)

She huffed out as she admired herself in the mirror.

George would arrive in a half hour for their date, probably looking perfect. Like always.

Ever since Nina had began dating the famous George Harrison, a few months back, she had become quite self conscious.

Not because he made her feel bad about herself, in fact he was the exact opposite.

George was always telling her she was perfect, and reminding her just his much he loved her.

The fans however, did not appreciate the girl.

It all started when a fan had asked for an autograph just outside of Nina's small flat in London, sadly somebody had taken pictures outside of that very house and it had now became quite the tourist attraction.

Fan's were always out front holding up posters or harrasing Nina whenever she stepped a foot outside, it had become too much.

The hurtful, disgusting names she was being called had began to effect her...she had began to believe them.

Although she could never tell George that.


She pulled on her hair as she removed the tight-fitted dress wriggling it over her head and flinging it on the floor.

Her stumach looked bloated while her hair seemed matted and it didn't sit properly on her shoulders.

Nina grabbed her hair brush, for the hundredth time that evening, she tried to flatten it down.

You see, the fans had loved George's ex-wife Pattie.

A skinny, blonde model who seemed to have it all.
She was the human carnation of a barbie doll, and the fans thought she and George would be together forever.
They believed it was Nina's fault the "perfect" couple had broken up in the first place.


She made her way into the bathroom, brushing her teeth for what seemed to be the thousandth time that evening, holding in tears as she pictured how amazing her boyfriend would probably look - how he would definitely look.

The girl's chest arose fastly as she couldn't take back control of her breathing, falling onto the bathroom floor she lent her head against her knees.

A tsunami of warm, hot tears ascended from her eyes and rollee down her cheeks, falling onto her legs. Her hands were wrapped in her hair tugging on it roughly.

There was no point in trying.

She would never look anywhere near good enough for George.
He was perfect; with his long hair and his vampire-like grin plus those deep brown eyes, he was a girl's dream.

A wail escaped her mouth as she heard the paparazzi and fans outside of her house, remembering the many insults thrown at her this morning when she'd left to get milk.


She was looking at the roof helplessly by this point, she hated it.
The fans.
The expectations...

"Darling?" a voice called, before the front door slammed shut.

Nina shot up, scurrying to hide the endless amount of clothes she had pulled out of her closet, hoping to wear.

"Dear-" he stared at the girl from his place at her bedroom door.

The girl avoided his eyes, fidgetting with the end of her tshirt and keeping her brown orbs locked on the cream carpet underneath her.

"Why...are-" he breathed out and the took two long strides over, he threw a bunch of flowers on the bed before taking Nina's face in his hands.

Her cheeks were red and puffy still damp from her recent meltdown, her hair was half in half out, it hung uselessly off of her head.

"Princess w-what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, she didn't answer.

Soon she began sobbing again pushing George away as she cried.

"You're perfect!" she shouted, the man raised a brow, the girl fell on the floor with her back resting against the bed.

"I'm ugly, georgie" she whispered, just loud enough for the boy to hear.

George sat down.
He didn't say anything...he didn't know what to say.

He couldn't help but feel bad, he knew about the fan's rude words but whenever it was brought up the girl often laughed, along with him.

"Nina-" he was cut off by the girl's pleads as she rocked back and fourth.

"Nina!" he demanded.

She froze her, hand's shook pointlessly underneath her, "You're gorgeous Nina!" he corrected.

"You're just saying that." she spat, he shook his head.

George wrapped his arm around her, rubbing comforting circles on her back.

"The fans 're full of shit, y'know that?" he paused "If they think you of all people, are anything other than perfect...they are completely" he smiled rubbing her, now calming, tears away.

"I'd know, because" he kissed her forehead "I love you, Nina" he whispered in her ear, "Only you" he said a little louder, this time.

The girl giggled in embarrassment, "I can never get out of my house george, the fan's are-"

"Move in with me" he blurted, the girl turned to look at him in shock.
"We can buy a place together! A big ol' house with tuns of land for us to go on picnics and perform private concerts" he winked "no fan's or cameras! Just me and you" the man rambled.

The girl wiped her tears with the palms of her hand, before jumping into George's arms.

He shot up off of the floor, the girl's legs wrapped around his waist, he fell back onto the bed, Nina landing under him.

The two laughed for no reason whatsoever apart from the fact that,
they had eachother.

Just a little reminder, you are all  perfect just the way you are, no matter what anybody else says <3

Thanks for the request JordynK11 :)

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