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The blonde's hair sat on her shoulder curled up at the bottom, like the models in his magazine's he kept hidden in his bottom drawer, in the hopes his mother wouldn't find them.

Her green eyes were deep and large while her lips were red from the lipstick, oh how he'd dreamt about those lips.

Richard sighed as he opened the small notebook that sat on his desk.

The pages filled with messy sketches of the same girl with silly poems on the back.

Some weren't as magic with words or coloured completely most rushed and some just had her name written simply in the middle and over and over again.

He opened at a clean page as he took in her beauty, the big black glasses perched on her nose and the short skirt she'd borrowed from a friend.

He smiled when he watched her bite her lip in frustration at a wrong answer on the pop quiz they were doing, she did that a lot aswell as biting her nails.

"Oi Ringo, ye'r staring again" John said loudly kicking the back of the boy's seat, most of the class laughed, while she shook her head in anger.

The teacher snapped a ruler on his desk to silence the college students.

Richard thought it was stupid, he'd never talked to the girl yet he planned out their whole future together in his mind each night and imagined kissing her during his free time.

But right now the diary would have to do.

His collection of drawings and love letters he would never send, but he still gushed and put his soul into every time.

He was hopelessly in love with girl and it simply wouldn't go away.

Richare felt drawn to her in a way he would never and had never anybody before.

Which is why when she leant over to get a paint brush from the sink that one time and her arm and brushed against his he didn't come into school for a week after attempting to calm his nerves.

John however didn't struggled with any of this, he didn't need love letters or drawings he had looks and a guitar. Richard often pictured what it would be like to walk into school and have everyone laugh at his jokes and compliment his talents. Outshine Lennon.

But those were just dreams. Richard was the forgotten boy at the back of the classroom.

"What did I tell ye' about goin' near Vanessa?" John yelled slamming the boy's locker shut and making Richie jump, "She wouldn't go for you anyways Richard, ye'r boring quite frankly and good for nothin'. She wouldn't notice id you were dead in a ditch!" he spat and Richard looked down.

"Gonna cry?" John asked getting in the boys face, "J-John just-"

"S-S-shut up" John stated alapping the notebook from the young-man's hand, before stalking off with his crew following.

Richard sighed picking up the scattered pages which had flooded the empty corridor.

"Shit" he muttered rushing as he heard a door close down the hall, "Do you need help?" her soft london accent interrupted his panicking, only making it worse.

He shook his head, "n-n-no it's alright" he stuttered out and she ignored him picking up the pages and sighing, "too bad" she smiled shyly handing him the notes he stood up collecting them feom her hands.

"Right...tha-thank you" he said awkwardly and Vanessa smiled at his cute-ness before she frowned "you shouldn't let him push you around like that...he's a twat" she said harshly but he nodded all the same before the both laughed "he really is" he sighed fixing the bag on his shoulder.

"What's your name?" she asked quietly as they began walking along the dark, empty corridor. "It's Richard...but I understand if you don't really like it, it's boring really. And old man's name to be honest" he ranted and she smirked with a nod, "don't you have a nickname then?" she teased and he shook his head as they arrived outside and on the steps.

"I don't have friends to give me them" he sighed and she laughed before she saw his frown, "oh" she said awkwardly, "I should g-"

"Ringo!" she exclaimed, he jamp at the sudden volume and she blushed "what?" he asked politely, "you wear a lot of rings right? so ringo!" she grinned proudly and he looked down bashfully.

"See you tommorrow Ringo!" she cheered before walking off and leaving him stood on the grass alone.

Ths sun shining upon his head and his blue eyes glistening against the tulips on the ground, a laugh escaped his mouth.

Ringo felt right.

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