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There were cheers as he blew out the candles and a banjo was passed around excitedly as the party raved on. His mother pressed a kiss to his cheek as she cut into the cake.

And then he was in the street and they were shouting, "Why?!" he had wailed as the women walked off, friend left a hand on his shoulder to ehich was shoved off. The party was over.

It went black.

There was the sound of an ambulance and then two words were uttered "she's dead" and his world crumbled.

He'd spent the week yelling at her and denying to see her and now he would never again, it was his fault she was gone-

"John!?" a voice yelled and the man shot up muttering incoherently and tears were soaking his cheeks his hair damp from sweat.

"Love what's wrong?" Caitlin ushered creeped out by the way his head glanced around nervously, "You- she- It was my fault" he cried shaking back and fourth.

He had those a lot. Nightmares. About his mum and her death, or about loosing another loved one, a friend or his aunt it could be anybody.

"John, love calm's all going to be okay" she whispered bringing a hand onto his shoulder, he jamp shoving it off "stop" he croaked and the women stayed back.

"Your safe darling" she said gently, and the man glanced back at the women laying next to him on the bed before he slowly lay back burrying his head in her neck.

"I've got you Johnny...okay? it's safe...we're safe" she repeated rubbing a hand through his hair softly and the man wrapped his legs around her as she cradled him.

She kissed the side of his head and a tear fell down his cheek, "What if we're not?" he asked and she raised a brow, "What if a crazy fan breaks in while I'm away and they hurt you or the baby-" he went quiet as his tears got to much.

"I was brought up in Liverpool i'm pretty sure i could take down one of the girls who fawn over you" she teased but the man didn't smile, "The baby can't" he whispered and she sighed.

"He has a death grip on him that one" she ushered to the crib in the corner were their son lay asleep, "Anybody goes near him and their scalp is long gone" she smiled toothlessly and the man giggled.

"It's going to be fine" Caitlin

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