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It was a normal sunday morning, for the famous John Lennon's girl, while the man was away with the boys for a holiday, to 'escape' normal life, he had left his girlfriend at home.

Lucy still lived with her parents, in her childhood home, right next door to the famous Mary Elizabeth, now dubbed mimi.

The two met in highschool, to say they were complete opposites would be an understatement. In fact Lucy hated John's guts, until their third year of school, when he saved her from a group of bullies in town late on night, despite being three years older.

When John first began performing, usually in small pubs, lucy would always be there front and centre, screaming his name.

The night his mum passed, when he took everything out on paul, going as far as to strike him across the face, Lucy held him in her arms all night long.

Whenever John asked for help with some blonde curvy girl from college, Lucy was the only person he could talk to.

The girl taught him how to flirt. Even though deep down she wished he was flirting with her. Lucy Rose Frank.

When the two began dating, John had just come back from his first trip to Hamburg, when he decided they should move which Lucy declined.

She loved the man, but her father had just fell ill and Lucy had always put family first. And John understood that, so he moved, and Lucy stayed in her childhood home.

Even when the beatles made it big,  John made sure to visit his famous aunt mimi, every sunday he would drive out. The only exceptions being when they were touring.

So when Lucy woke up on Sunday, she immediately, walked to the kitchen making some of her famous cookies, wrapping them up and grabbing some fresh flowers, before walking next door to mimi's.

"Morning!" she smiled handing her the plate, the older women smiled gratefully, pouring some tea.

"How are you holding up?" she asked as the young girl looked out of the window, "do you ever imagine he's with you, and you talk yourself into thinking he's here, almost believing he could reach out and touch you at any moment?" she paused "it's stupid, but i just wish he could be here more" mimi nodded, "all the time" she paused "don't tell him i said that" she winked before walking over to her pink velvet chair in the corner.

Lucy walked along the corridor, admiring the many photos of a young John Winston Lennon.

One catching her eye, their first date, she remembered it like it was yesterday.

"ooh! look what i got framed" she called waving the girl over.

A small record player lay on a shelve in the corner, the only records being John's. The girl smiled as she spotted the small frame.

The four boys with their iconic mop tops, sitting on the Frank familie's, bench that lay in the front garden till this day, and despite the black and white colouring, you could tell it was peak summer, from the ice creams in hand, and the girl's bikini.

The two women marveled at the photo, before mimi lifted the needle on the machine that lay next to it, 'good day sunshine' filling their ears.

Lucy held out a hand to the women, "may i have this dance?" she asked in a posh voice, mimi dismissed her, before John's voice belted out, that's when she caved.

She stood up dancing with the girl, as their boy's voice filled the home. It almost felt like he was right there with them.


"I never thought i would miss his complaints" mimi said out of the blu as the two tucked into their biscuits and tea, "oh mimi, listen to this!" she paused "oh mimi paulie's comin round in five!" lucy couldn't help the giggle that passed her lips "oh mimi, why must we have soup again?" she asked in a bad scouse accent. "I agree" the young girl smiled, as they clicked their mugs in a 'cheers' action.

"when is he due home dear?" mimi asked, lucy looked down "two weeks" she muttered.


Now they stood in the kitchen, depsite mimi's attempts lucy refused to leave without doing the dishes.

Lucy had a mug wrapped in a tea towel, drying off the excess bubbles, when the sound of a car approaching was heard.

The girl rushed the front window, praying it wasn't any crazy fans.

Not one in sight.

An expensive black car parked on the pavement, "who is i-" she cut off as the car sat there, no movement was made.

"It's probably those mad reporters, always shoving camera's down my throat!" mimi said walking to the front door, "i'll speak to them mimi, don't you worry!" lucy said standing out on the path crossing her arms, as she couldn't see in from the tinted windows.

Mimi followed behind as the girl knocked on the front window. "I tell you it's those report-" mimi was cut off as a beep was sounded from the automobile.

Mimi jamp out of her skin, making lucy, now growing angry, smack on the window "open up!" she demanded hitting it again.

Slowly the car door, closest to the road opened.

"Miss me?"

They knew that voice anywhere.

"Johnny!" mimi cried bringing the boy in for hug, "you had me worried then" john chuckled "yknow me, mimi" he looked up smiling at his girlfriend.

She enveloped the boy in a hug, resting her head against his chest, and playing with the fluffy jacket he had on.

More knocking was heard from inside the vehicle.

"Oh the boys came too, they're in the back" he said unlocking the car, paul poked his head out "alright mimi? i almost suffocated in there!" paul punched john on the shoulder, before kissing both women's heads.

"Watch it macca" john teased as the three men all said hello, before following mimi in.

"When ye' said ye' had talked to mimi, i didn't think ye' ment you had beacme bestfriends" he said kissing her nose as she gazed up at him.

"I missed you John Winston Lennon" she whispered.

The boy gave his usual cocky smirk.

"I know"

he paused

"i missed you too"

The two slowly leaned in, John's arms sliding down her back, stopping just above her waist.

Knocking cut them off.

They turned to the front window, where mimi stood, the boys all standing next to her. "Glasses!" she shouted making a motion with her hands, john groaned taking them out his pocket.

"You never learn johnny"

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