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"I wont me two minutes" she promised over the phone and Ringo hummed.

He'd only been dating Cathy for four months now and he already knew he was in love with her. He was currently away filming for the new movie and so he hadn't got to see her, this resulted in a lot of phone calls very late at night.

"Mummy!" a voice had called and it sounded like they were crying, "Mummyyyyy!" they whined.

Ringo began to panic, he hadn't met Cathy's daughter before and he wasn't sure if her wanted to speak to her without his girlfriend's permisson.

They were taking it slow with the whole children thing. Cathy had had a daughter with a man who never really loved her and so when she got pregnant the man left her to deal with it on her own. But that was three years ago now and she seemed to have handled it alright.

The girl began to cry, and the man's heart ached but his stomach bubbled with nerves.

"Cathy?" he asked, and the crying stopped before there was a gasp and a rumbling of the phone being picked up.

"Hu-lo?" the girl hiccuped, the man froze, "Hello is your mummy there?" he asked gently, the baby frowned crying again.

"Don't cry! She-she's only at the loo she'll be bac-"

"Whooooo are youuuu?" the three year old asked sassily, very well spoken ringo noted as he laughed.

"I'm ringo" the baby shook her head as she giggled "that's not a nameeeee!" and the man smiled before it fell when the girl gasped.

"I cannot speak to strangers!" she cried she seemed scared almost, she didn't want her mum to get upset with her. "Im your mummy's friend it's okay....say where is your mum?" he asked, the girl didn't answer.

"Mummy!!! mr rongo is on the phooone!" she yelled, and he heard Cathy laugh as she entered the room.

"Hi, sorry the door went" she said gently as she sat back on the couch lifting Lucy onto her lap.

"I see you met Lucy" she teased and he laughed, "she's lovely!" he replied, the baby nussled her head in her mother's shoulder, "is he nice mumma?"

Cathy nodded "Yup! He's mummy's friend." she paused "Why don't you tell richie your favourite song?" she asked, the girl smiled "i wanna hold your haaaaaand! I wanna hold your-" the girls singing was cut off with Ringo's laughter.

"I love that song too!"

The girl gasped "really!?" he nodded despite the girl not being able to see him, "It's my favourite song!" he added.

"Paul is my favourite" she said randomly, Cathy giggled picturing Ringo pretending to be upset like he usually did when a fan said that, "No way!! Paul's my favourite too, apperantly i heard he's a nice guy" Ringo shrugged, "You know him?!" the girl jamp excitedly, "We've met" he shrugged.

"Oooooooooo.....mummy can i meet your friend mr rong-"

"Richie dear" Cathy corrected, excited to see her reaction whenever they did meet and she realised just who her friend really was.

"And yes i think that would be a good idea! If Ritchie wants" she smiled, and Ringo smiled aswell "I would love that!"

"yay yay yay yay yay yay!" the little girl sung and Ringo smiled fondly wishing he could meet her right now.

two weeks later

Lucy's hand was grasped in her mother's as they walked along the street, Cathy smiled as the girl done a big twirl under her arm.

"I look so pretty mamma!" she smiled letting go of her mum's hand and pointing at her dress, it wss blue and had flowers covering it completely. "You always do!" the women comfirmed, "come on we'll be late!"

"Do you think Rich-ee will like my dress mum?" she asked curiously, "He'll love it!" she cried picking up the girl and tickling her sides slightly as they crossed the road.

Once in the small cafe they agreed to meet at Cathy kneeled down in front of the girl.

"Now listen sweetie...Richie is going to love you so much so no need to be nervous!...promise you'll be polite okay?" she asked, Lucy nodded hugging her mums neck tightly.

"Love you mamma" she smiled, the women kissed her cheek "love you more dear" she promised sliding in the both next to the girl.

She was trying to play it cool but she was actually very nervous. She still hadn't told Lucy about 'Rongo' actually being the 'Ringo Starr' and so she was nervous to see her reaction.

The bell rung indicating someone had entered, Cathy smiled when she saw Ringo. It had been over a month since they'd met up because of filming, she shot up wrapping him in a hug.

"Alright love?" he smiled a hand rubbing his girlfriends back, "I missed you so much...and im so nervous" she whispered and the man nodded "It'll be fine, Cath" he grinned before he set eyes on the small girl in the booth.

Lucy's eyes were wide and her cheeks were a bright red, her eyebrows were raised in confusion as they started walking towards her.

"Lucy...this is richie" Cathy smiled, the girl nodded waving shyly before hiding slightly behind her mum, "hullo" Fingo smiled.

There was an awkward silence and Cathy frowned in disappointment, she really wanted them to get on. But Lucy just hid behind her arm and Ringo avoided eye contact, they weren't like that on the phone, they were bestfriends then.

"I'll go and order, what would you like then love?" he asked, Cathy smiled at his efforts, "Can i get a cuppa please, what would you like Luce" the girl peeked out from behind her mum "orange juice please" she said quietly and the man grinned before walking off.

As soon as Ringo had left Lucy sat up and continued her colouring in. "Lucy dear, listen...I'm not going to force you to talk to Ringo, we can leave if you really want...But he really means a lot to me, and I love himbalmost as much as I love you" the women begged and Lucy looked up at her mum "Thats a lot of love" she said quietly and Cathy nodded. "It is" she smiled.

Ringo sat the three drinks down, "Alrig-" he started as he noticed Cathy staring at him with a smile.

"Do you know Paul?" Lucy asked and the man looked at her, surprised to see her talking to him. Ringo nodded "Yep!" the girl gasped "What is he like?"

The man smiled "He's very nice-"

"Are you really Ringo Starr?" she asked raising a brow in suspision, the two adults laugh, "I am...do you not believe me? he asked she shook her head.

"No...can you sing for me?" she grinned and his eyes went wide looking at Cathy who giggled, "maybe later yeah?" he asked the girl nodded and didn't look upset at all.

"Can you help me colour this one ringo?" she asked pointing at a flower on her page and handing him a green crayon, "Of course, love!"

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