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( Request for
marmaladeskies67 )

The band bad recently got their first number one for their song 'Love Me Do'

They had spent some time away, working on new pieces, meaning you hadn't spent much time with your boyfriend.

Hoping you would get to do so today, you prepared his favourite
meal, a great big steak with vegetables for a side.

Placing it on the table by the small box tv and a fresh bouquet of flowers, courtesy of richie, who had got them to apologize for being gone so much.

Finally, you got dressed into your short pink pyjamas that stopped just above your knees, Richard's favourite, before letting your hair down, and sighing as you fell back onto the couch.

It had been quite a while since you had spent a night alone with richie, and you couldn't wait to see his reaction, so when you heard the familiar click of the door as it opened, you shot up and ran over.

You froze as he walked right past you, without muttering a word,  and falling onto the couch.

That's when you noticed the tears falling from his baby blues.

"Richie...what's wrong baby? are you okay? who hurt yo-" he cut you off placing his hand on your cheek, "'m fine luv" he spoke quietly, "i just ate something..." you nodded knowingly.

He got like that sometimes. He was a very sick as a kid, so much so the doctors didn't think he would live to be a teenager, luckily he recovered, but he still got like this sometimes. If he ate a certain food, maybe he didn't get enough sleep or he forgot to take his medicine, bit he always got immense pain in his stomach, even getting dizzy easily.

So now he lay on the couch, in a very uncomfortable position still having his usual suit on.

You walked of, not before kissing his forehead lovingly, and grabbed his striped pyjamas off of the radiator, which you had placed there to keep warm.

You grabbed his large hands, pulling the boy so he was sitting up right, you slid the suit jacket off slowly, while he whined and wiggled in discomfort.

"I know baby, just sit still and i'll make you feel better" you whispered unbuttoning his shirt, sliding on the pyjama one, leaving his chest bare.

You patted out the cushions making a den of fluffy throw blankets, he lay back, clutching his stomach in pain.

"Jesus christ" he seethed through gritted teeth.

You hated seeing him like this, he didn't deserve it.

You walked over to the record player that sat in the corner, the new one, Ringo had bought it with his first pay check back when he came home from America.

A unfamiliar soft voice serenading your ears, while you sat down by the boys feet, lifting them onto your lap.

You had grabbed some moisturiser from the bathroom, and began poring the cold cream onto his chest, making him giggle under the cold temperature.

You took in the small scars that scattered his chest, from the many surgeries and procedures he had to go through at such a young age.

He was always a brave man, making the best of every situation.

You pecked each bruise as you went past them, making him blush and whine in protest.

"You're gorgeous, richard" she whispered, he blushed looking up at his girlfriend through his eyelashes.

"Yer to good for me" he said as you buttoned up his pyjama shirt, playing with the collar as you finished.

"Get some rest, and i'll heat up your dinner" she said running a finger over his cheek lovingly.

After heating up his food, grabbing some iced water with it, she sat it on the table next to his sleeping form.

His eyes stayed half shut until he spotted his favourite meal, he tried to shoot up, being pushed down by his girl.

He groaned as you pulled his head on your lap, cutting the steak into tiny pieces, before bringing the fork to his mouth.

He moaned at the taste, "i wish i could repay ye, but i don't wanna make ye sick" he apologized, after finishing his meal.

He turned burrying his head in your lap, while you ran a hand through his soft hair.

"I love you, Richard Starkey" you whispered in his ear.

Not the greatest, but i hope you like it marmaladeskies67 :)

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