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She squealed as she heard the car pull into the gravelled drive, throwing her hair brush onto the bed carlessly before looking in the mirror.

Her long blonde hair stopped just aboved her bum, she rubbed her hands across her stumach, the silky pink short pyjamas were crinkled slightly at the shoulders.

She walked sensibly down the stairs walking into the lounge and sitting suggestively on the sofa.

Ringo walked in with a huff throwing his keys in the bowl by the door, he still hadn't seen his girlfriend, going straight for the fridge and opening a bottle of beer before finally making his way along the corridor.

The young couple had just recently moved into their first home together, large ceilings strtxhed throughout the house and the soft carpeted floor was perfectly clean under their feet with pictures of loved ones scattered on the walls.

"I'm home, Katie" he said dryly poking his head in, his eyes widened slightly at the provocative outfit. But he didn't react.

Instead the man fell back onto the opposite couch, turning on the tv as he walked past.

Katie grinned as he walked in pecking his cheek before leaning her head on his chest. He shrugged her off slightly huffing out in annoyance.

"What's wrong rich?" she asked slowly, the women knew he got upset or angry easily...she could never quite tell which it would be from the way he acted, but she knew not to make it worse.

"Nothing" he growled lying back on the couch, he swung his feet up resting them on the women's thighs.

She was upset about her boyfriend's reaction. She'd cleaned the house all day changing the bed-sheets, hoovering the floors and doing anything in between. While also cooking a homemade meal all while showering and making herself presentable in hopes of her partner awarding her for all she'd done. All she was always doing.

"D-did the boys say something?" Katie asked, the man's forehead creased concerningly low "look i don't want to talk about it!" he shouted, before quickly turning back to the tv dramatically.

The girl tensed at his tone of voice but tried to act like it didn't hurt, Ringo noticed this tapping his finger on the empty bottle in his hands and rubbing his feet, which were still on Katie's lap, together.

The women sighed rubbing the side of his leg, before slowly moving her hands to the man's feet, massaging them gently.

Ringo's eyes slowly drifted from the screen and over to his Girlfriend.

He wished he could give her what she wanted. The skimpy outfit and overly used perfume didn't go unnoticed to the man. But the boy's teasing at the studio had really gotten to them. What if their "jokes" were actually what people thought of him-

"Richie?" her dreamy voice asked, he blinked, "Did something happen at work?" her voice was soft, knowing she had convinced him, Ringo sat up.

He placed the bottle on the desk loudly before resting his head in his hands, Katie shuffled along rubbing soft circles on his lower back.

"Just- the boys" he said, Katie rested her chin on his shoulder, her lips brushing his hear and her breath running down his spine. Goosebumps rose on his skin.

"I think you're perfect Ringo Starr" she whispered, the man's lips curled up slightly at the corners before he frowned again "But John said-" he whined.

"I don't care about what John thinks, he speaks a load of shit most of the time anyway! And i've only known him a year" she rambled, he shook his head laughing quietly.

"I-im sorry for shouting..." he said quietly almost embarrassed as a blush covered his cheeks, which she pecked.

"I love you richie" she muttered quietly as he turned his head burrying it on her neck and scattering kisses along the base.

She giggled as he pushed her back on the couch.

"i love you more"

Haven't updated in a while, i'm sorry!!

School's started back and i've been really tired :(

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