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She stared mindlessly out the window of the boring english classroom, all was quiet, but she couldn't help but notice the empty chair in the row directly behind her.

That chair belonged to John Winston Lennon.

As if on que the door flew open and smashed against the wall.

"Lennon" Mr O'hare sneered as he walked over to his chair, "Sir" he stated sarcastically smirking at his friends as he flung himself behind the girl.

Winifred had always been attracted to the teddy boy, at first she assumed it was just a school girls crush, but now, she really did like the boy...A lot.

"I expect complete silence, John, this class was in top shape before you appeared" he paused as John began whistling out of boredom, students giggled, including winifred, "enough!" sir demanded "back to your work" he said tapping on his desk.

The brunette's loose curls fell over her paper as she continued writing out the dialogue to some nonsense poem.

Her silence was soon interrupted when she felt a light kick on the leg of her chair, to which she ignored.

Until it happened again, followed by snickers.

The girl turned to face the boy, "s-stop" she stuttered, the boy held up a hand in mock surrender "my bad, i am truly sorry" he said, sounding genuine.

He was not.

Winifred turned back around, a piece of paper flying over her shoulder, and landing on the floor at the leg of her chair, "Miss Pooler, focus" sir snapped catching the girl looking back at john.

The girl went back to her work immediately, focus fully on the poem, that she didn't actually understand.

Suddenly she felt a light tug on the bag of her head, she tried not to give into the boy's efforts, "please stop" the girl whispered to the boy, who turned talking to his pal.

the next day

Winifred entered the english classroom, she sat down at her two person desk soon being joined by john lennon.

"A-are ye' o-okay?" she askes quietly, to which he nodded turning to face his friend.

Half way through the class, john's chair squeaked loudly as he pushed it right up against the girl's.

"You don't talk much" he whispered, his warm breath hitting the side of her breath.

He smelled strongly of cheap cigarettes and beer.

The girl nodded, while a slight blush made it's way onto her cheeks.

John's hand reached out brushing a piece of hair behind her ear, "i like it" he whispered before turning back to the teacher, and running a hand through his elvis-like hair.

The girl tried to keep the blush of her cheeks as the boys slid a small piece of crumpled paper on her side of the desk.

'meet me tonight?'

she read over it a few times, before nodding, making john smirk triumphantly.

As the bell rang indicating it was time for lunch the boy leaned over kissing the girls cheek lightly before walking off, with his friends following.

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