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Lola laughed as she messed up her big brother's hair, as they walked back to George's house after dinner.

It was his last day off before they began filming Magical Mystery Tour next week, and the man had decided to spend it with his little sister.

The youngest harrison had stayed out of the shadows, after her big brother's success in the public eye. Despite George being dubbed 'the quiet one' growing up it was typically Lola who was more reserved.

The girl had recently graduated university and had began working as a school teacher at her old highschool. Still living in Liverpool the girl was a big hit with the students telling them embarassing stories about the band, specifically her big brother, in their teenage years.

You could say the Harrison family had done quiet good for themselves.


"I must say i am loving this moustache, Georgie" Lola said sarcastically as the boy unlocked his front door, "Oh, sod off" he grumbled.

The siblings fell back onto the couch, Lola took in the apartment.

The front room itself was bigger than the family's house growing up, large ceilings stretched up and into a chandelier.

The girl giggled at the framed picture of George and Paul back in their Teddy Boy days.

"How are they then?" she asked, he nodded "high" he answered earning a smack from his little sister.

"Ye' mustn't tell mum, lola! She'll have my head" he begged, the girl rolled her eyes, "i'm not telling mum" she paused "she'd have my head never mind yours"

George laughed, muttering a smug, "i was always her favourite"

"No, well John and Cyn are gettin' divorced and uhm ringo's expecting" he said casually, the girls eyes grew wide.

She had always gotten on with Cynthia, a great women.
Despite Cyn being, five or six years older than the Harrison girl, they always got on great.

"Well give richie my love, and tell him i expect to be this one's godmother" she teased.


The girl raised a brow.

"Aren't you going to ask about your beloved paulie?" george asked winking cheekily as he handed his sister a beer.

"He isn't mine, george. And i don't think about him much y'know?"

George Cackled.

"That's bullshit! Your room is still the exact same way, his shirts still sit in your bottom drawer...that framed photo beside your bed! You even kept the rose he gave you on your first date, for christ sake!" the boy ranted, before turning fully to the girl.

"Please just take him back! I promise...he is ready to settle down now" he promised.

"You just said he was is that settling down material?" the girl asked.

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