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She was wrestling with the slik sheets restlessy.

Cleo had gone to bed angry that night after Paul, her boyfriend of four months, didn't show up to the French Bistro they'd agreed to meet at, yet again. And the thunder and rain had been going on all day.

The dog was barking terrifyingly loudly, as the patter of rain got heavier.

As if in a horror film she walked down the dark hallway from her bedroom to the front-room, her hand shaking as she reached out to open the door.

She smiled in relief as Martha was just scared of the weather, "Come on, lovely" Cleo soothed running her hand through the dogs tangled yet soft fur.

"Who's my good girl?" she asked hugging the dog and pulling her along to the bedroom, despite Paul's rule of 'no dog on the carpet or beds at any time' Cleo heaved the dog upon the mattress, smiling in content knowing she wouldn't have to sleep alone.

As the thunder and rain carried on Cleo stared into nothing.

She'd only really been with Paul for four months after, knowing him for atleast a year, she photographed the band's most recent album cover. And he has already missed more dates than he had attended, usually it didn't upset Cleo she knew he was a busy man being a Beatle wasn't easy after all, usually when he didn't show up it ended with her eating enough food for the two of them along with enough wine.

As if feeling his owners discomfort Marha lent up licking Cleo's face, she laughed as the large dog began to get excited and jamp up when the door opened along the hall.

"Martha my dear!" a soft voice sung before he huffed in confusion and walked towards the bedroom.

"Cleo where's Martha-" he glared playfully at his girlfriend, obviously, fake sleeping while his dog played dead.

"Awww what a shame...and hear i was going to take 'er on a walk" he said sarcastically as if he was talking to himself.

He plopped down on the end of the bed sliding of his shoes pausing in in expectation just as his large dog jamp on him excitedly, and he laughed in delight at his bestfriend.

"Did ye' look after mummy, dear?" he asked as if talking to a baby, which made Cleo laugh, "did you?" Paul asked again, the dig barked.

"She can't speak Paulie" her soft voice sounded as she tickled his hips with her toe mindlessly.

He pulled her feet around his hips pulling on her ankles from behind so that she was pressed against his back.

"Where were you, Paulie?" she asked, her voice cracked slightly. "Go get the ball Martha!" Paul said before the pup ran out and bouced down the corridor.

"Paul?" she asked again, he exhaled standing up, leaving her on the bed alone.

"I had to finish, love, i'm sorry" he paused when she didn't reply looking at her sad form which lay back on the end of the bed.

Paul's lips curled up slightly at her quiet insult that she muttered under her breath, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"What was that, love?" he teased walking over and pining her down onto the bed by her hips.

She laughed as he began to tickle her ruthlessly, "Paulie!" she exclaimed while she giggled uncontrollably.

"I love you, darling!" he sung, kissing the top of her head as his girlfriend lay out of breath beside him.

A bark was sounded from the doorway as Martha appeared with a chew toy hanging from his teeth.

"And you Martha" he said sheepishly as the dog ran over and jamp on the man.

And Cleo smiled in content as the three fell asleep, forgetting about the horrible weather outside.

sorry it took me so long to write, i've had a lot of Ringo requests (i don't want to spam the books with them) so it took me a while to come up sith my own idea.

It isn't my favourite but i hope you like it <3

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