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She watched in awe from your sun lounger as her boyfriend Ringo messed around with the boys.

They were just after finishing their first tour of the US, the boys were in the best mood and were currently taking a break with their families, or in this case they had gone on holiday,  john bringing cynthia and julian, george bringing pattie, and ringo bringing violet.

The three girls had become super close, cynthia and violet especially after violet babysitted julian while cyn visited john at work.

The three women lay at the side of the pool, soaking up the spanish sun, while the boys all smoked cigarettes by the house.

"Having fun V?" cynthia asked sitting up to help julian in the pool, "huh? oh what?" she asked tearing her eyes away from his short shorts.

"good view?" she teased before saving julian from falling in the pool, "John, i thought you were watching him?" she moaned picking the boy up, "sorry cyn" he replied going back to his conversation, violet rolled her eyes "you relax a little" she stated pointing at the women, before taking julian, "i'll watch him okay mummy?" she teased making cyn smile, "bye jules!" pattie smiled as the boy waved back.

Violet walked towards the boys "your wife is tired yknow?" she asked handing him the boy. "So am i" he teased making the boys laugh lightly, ringo wrapped an arm around her waist kissing it lightly from his place on the chair.

"I'm going for a swim" she said wriggling out of the boys grasp, she sat by the edge dipping her legs in, soon being joined by her boyfriend.

He slid his hand in hers, putting out his cigarette on the slabs they sat on.

It took everything in violet's will to not look at this short blue shorts arrangement.

Ringo placed a kiss on the girls shoulder, playing with her bikini strap, "do you not have one that covers more?" he asked, making her giggle "no why?" she asked, making him groan "i don't know how i feel about other people seeing you like this" he motioned her up and down, before pushing a piece of hair behind her hair, "i only wear it for you ritch" she teased leaning her head on his bare shoulder.

The two sat in silence, ringo's large hand placed dangerously high on her thigh, while violet's eyes accidentally fell on his shorts.

"Vi?" he questioned, she looked up flustered "whats wrong?" he asked holding back a smirk, "stop" she whispered hiding her red face in his chest.

Ringo placed his hands on the girls face pulling her to look at him, before smashing his lips against hers.

Until a small voice interrupted the two...

"Uncle ritch?" the two pulled away to see julian sitting in the middle of them, "hi jules" ringo said uninthusiasticaly.

Cynthia ran over grabbing the boy "sorry!" she said while john laughed highfiving his son.

"Sod off lennon!" ringo warned grabbing his girl's arm and pulling her towards the house.

  ringo's blue shorts hit different ;)

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