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The premiere of The Beatles' third movie Magical Mystery Tour was in full swing.

They didn't have many people come to the premier, just close friends, but their was still enough people for Coraline too be nervous.

You see, recently the boys had come under trouble for their usage of drugs. While some of the wifes were all for the idea and joined in, Coraline wasn't happy.

She didn't want to come of as a drag, but she just couldn't have her richie get hurt.

She had begged him to give it up telling him it wasn't a good idea, but the boy felt he had to.
He was the eldest of the band, and he didn't want to come of as weak.

So he didn't listen, in fact just last week he came back from the studio completely stoned.

The bands acid-trips occurred  more and more.

Richard soon became obsessed with the drug.


It had been hours since the premiere after party was supposed to finish, yet their was still a small group left over, sat in the Starkey's living room.

George, Paul and John had left thiry minutes ago, along with their wifes.

Coraline wasn't familiar with the group of men and women who were currently joking around with her husband.

Richard was very drunk, the whole group were, in fact wasted.

"How long have you-" the man hiccuped "been with our ringo?" he asked, Coraline glanced at her husband, "we met in highschool" she said loudly over the music.

The man reached over to the table grabbing a joint and handed it to the girl nodding.

"No thanks" she denied, taking out her own pack of cigarettes.

"Richie?" she asked, he looked over, his eyes drooping slightly, the girl pointed at the clock, hoping he would catch on.

"Right!" Ringo shouted "i think it's time to go-" the group booed making the man laugh.

"Let's go out!" one requested, "celebrate the boys" he added messing up Ringo's hair.

"Here have another one" they pressured holding out yet another drink, Richard shook his head "no i think we should- ye' should- head home" he stuttered.

A girl who was sitting on the arm of the couch reached over stroking his cheek, "one more, baby?" she asked, the very drunk man reluctantly took the bottle, chugging it down.

After the group cheered and praised the man, Coraline stood up.

"Right, he had another, maybe that's time to go..." she said, ringo nodded, while the rest moaned.

"It's still early"

She shook her head, "thanks for coming" Coraline said quietly, before trying to pull Richard up off of the couch.

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